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Set Up Advanced Features of Insurance Policies and Claims

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you’ll be able to:

  • Filter policies by policy type.
  • Hide policies’ related claims.
  • View an account’s claims history.
  • Automatically mark a policy inactive based on the policy status and close a claim based on claim status.
  • Use custom icons for policy types.

Filter Policies by Policy Type

When adding multiple instances of the Policy component to a page, Matt shows different details on each instance by including or excluding policy types. When Matt excludes a policy type, those policies no longer appear in the list of policies or in any policy-related metrics on the policyholder’s record page.

  1. On the account record page, from Setup, select Edit Page.
  2. Click anywhere on the Policy component to select it.
  3. In the properties pane, under Select policy types to exclude, click Select.
  4. Select the policy types that you want to exclude, and click OK.
    Image showing the Select policy types to exclude window, with Life and Annuity selected.
  5. Save your changes.

Matt also hides the claims list for policies that he doesn't want to show or when there’s no data. For example, Matt sets up two instances of the Policy component on the policyholder record page—one for Cumulus’s policies and another for its competitors’ policies. Matt hides the claims list for competitors’ policies because it’s not relevant for Cumulus’s agents.

  1. On the account record page, from Setup, select Edit Page.
  2. Click anywhere on the Policy component to select it.
  3. In the properties pane, deselect Show claims.Image showing the Show claims option for the Policy component.
  4. Save your changes.

View an Account’s Claims History

Agents like Zeynep and Zaw use the All Claims link on the Policy component to view the claims associated with an account. The link shows all claims from all policies regardless of claim status or policy owner. Here’s what Matt does to enable viewing an account’s claim history.

  1. On the account record page, from Setup, select Edit Page.
  2. Click anywhere on the Policy component to select it.
  3. In the properties pane, select Show claims.Image showing the Show claims option for the Policy component.
  4. Save your changes.Image showing the All Claims link.

    Image showing Rachel Adams's claims list.

Map Insurance Policy Status Field Values to Inactive

Matt's users can choose from a variety Status values on an insurance policy. Many of these values mean that the policy is inactive. For each of these Status values, Matt selects the Inactive checkbox to map the value to Inactive.

  1. From Setup, open Object Manager.
  2. In the Quick Find box, enter Insurance Policy, and then select Insurance Policy.
  3. Click Fields & Relationships, and then select Status.
  4. Under Status Picklist Values, next to the value that you want to map, click Edit, and select Inactive.
  5. Save your changes.

Map Claim Status Field Values to Closed

Matt's users can choose from a variety Status values on a claim. Many of these values mean that the claim is closed. For each of these Status values, Matt selects the Closed checkbox to map the value to Closed.

  1. From Setup, open Object Manager.
  2. In the Quick Find box, enter Claim, and select Claim.
  3. Click Fields & Relationships, and select Status.
  4. Under Status Picklist Values, next to the value that you want to map, click Edit, and select Closed.
  5. Save your changes.

Use Custom Icons for Policy Types

Matt changes the default icon associated with a policy type by uploading an SVG file to replace the default icon.

  1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Icons, and then select Icons.
  2. Select Insurance Policies.
  3. For the icon that you want to change, click Action dropdown, and select Change Icon.
  4. Click Upload Files, and select the SVG file for the icon.
  5. Save your changes.

Thanks to Matt’s admin wizardry, Cumulus agents like Zeynep and Zaw now have a comprehensive overview of all relevant insurance policies and claims. By now, Matt’s done with the bulk of his admin heavy lifting. In the next unit, follow along as he finalizes the insurance setup at Cumulus.


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