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Use Marketplace Apps

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Identify which app is suitable for a specific use case.
  • Install Marketplace apps.

Find the Right App

Marketing Cloud Intelligence’s Marketplace apps are a great tool to get data into Marketing Cloud Intelligence quickly, and extend your data with out-of-the-box marketing solutions. Marketplace Apps can help you solve a number of different use cases and offer actionable insights and visualizations. But how do you identify which app to use for your situation? Let’s learn more.

The primary tool you can use to find an app is Search Marketplace. Simply type a keyword in the search bar and check out the solutions that match your search term. For example, if you’re looking for an email solution, enter the keyword Email. Two different apps will appear: the Email to Web Conversion app and the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email app. 

View of the Marketing Cloud Intelligence Marketplace with Email in the search bar and two apps displaying.

In order to learn more about each app, click the app tile and then click Read more. Let’s take a look at the Email to Web Conversion app. If you click Read more, you get a brief overview of what the app does and what it’s intended to solve. Plus, you can see a few screenshots of the app’s installation process and final view. 

View of the Email to Web conversion app overview, with a description of the app.

Diving into the app, you can also view a demo. By clicking View demo, you’re redirected to a demo mode of the app where you can interact with it and see what visualizations and insights it offers. 

View of the Email to Web conversion app final product, displaying a bar graph and a few additional widgets.

You can browse through the different tabs, see how your harmonized data will be visualized, and identify whether this particular app is suitable for your needs. 

Install Marketplace Apps

Once you’ve chosen the right app, the next step is to install the app in your Marketing Cloud Intelligence workspace. Only Admin users can install apps—if you are a Viewer or a Power User, you can add an app to your Wishlist and an Admin is notified that you’d like to have it installed. If you’re an Admin, click Get it now to initiate the installation process. 

View of the Email to Web conversion app overview, with the Get it now button highlighted.

Each Marketplace app has a slightly different installation process because each app is unique and requires different types of data and components. However, all apps follow a streamlined installation process, with just clicks and no code. Each app has a built-in installation wizard with a clear step-by-step process that is simple and easy to follow.

For the Email to Web Conversion app, you connect your Email and Web analytics data and set up a few simple rules to match one type of data with the other. 

View of the Email to Web conversion app overview, with the Get it now button highlighted.

Each app also comes with supporting documentation on how to install it and an overview of the different components that will be created in your workspace after the app is installed, such as data streams or different harmonizations. 

Once you’ve finished installing an app, you can locate it under Installed Solutions in the Marketplace, and begin using the visualizations and insights right away.

Next Up

Next, let’s take a look at Marketplace Connectors and see how you can connect to an external environment.

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