+300 points
Quick Start: Visual Studio Code for Salesforce Development
Set up and integrate the recommended IDE for Salesforce development.
~25 mins
+400 points
Set Up Your Lightning Web Components Developer Tools
Install developer tools for building Lightning web components.
~1 hr
+400 points
App Development with Salesforce DX
Use the Salesforce command-line interface to create, convert, and deploy apps.
~2 hrs 30 mins
+600 points
JavaScript Skills for Salesforce Developers
Learn key JavaScript skills and how they apply to writing Lightning web components.
~1 hr 5 mins
+700 points
Get Started with Modern JavaScript Development
Learn about JavaScript ES6 features and what you can do with them.
~1 hr
+400 points
Lightning Design System Basics
Get started using the Lightning Design System to build Salesforce apps.
~20 mins
+300 points
Quick Start: Lightning Web Components
Set up your developer environment and create your first Lightning web component.
~25 mins
+1,300 points
Lightning Web Components Basics
Build reusable, performant components that follow modern web standards.
~1 hr 10 mins
+600 points
Lightning Web Components for Aura Developers
Leverage your Aura components skills to learn about Lightning web components.
~1 hr 5 mins
+500 points
Build a Bear-Tracking App with Lightning Web Components
Use Lightning Web Components to build a bear-tracking app.
~1 hr 15 mins