Quick Start: Visual Studio Code for Salesforce Development
Set up and integrate the recommended IDE for Salesforce development.
Quick Start: Salesforce DX
Use the Salesforce command-line interface to create, convert, and deploy apps.
Set Up Your Lightning Web Components Developer Tools
Install developer tools for building Lightning web components.
Secure Client-Side Development
Secure the client side of your application for deployment on the Salesforce Platform.
Best Practices for Troubleshooting
Identify and solve problems in your org using a proven troubleshooting process.
Learn to Work with JavaScript
Understand modern JavaScript development and how it fits in the Lightning Component Framework.
Get Started with Modern JavaScript Development
Learn about JavaScript ES6 features and what you can do with them.
Lightning Design System Basics
Get started using the Lightning Design System to build Salesforce apps.
Quick Start: Aura Components
Create your first component that renders a list of Contacts from your org.
Lightning Alternatives to JavaScript Buttons
Discover Lightning-friendly solutions for your JavaScript button use cases.
Build a Custom Theme Layout Component for Experience Builder Sites
Customize your Experience Builder site with a theme layout component.
Lightning Web Components for Aura Developers
Leverage your Aura components skills to learn about Lightning web components.
Lightning Web Components Basics
Build reusable, performant components that follow modern web standards.
Quick Start: Lightning Web Components
Set up your developer environment and create your first Lightning web component.
Quick Start: Explore the LWC Recipes Sample App
Learn about Lightning Web Components by exploring short byte-sized examples.
Lightning Web Components and Salesforce Data
Develop Lightning web components that interact with data in your Salesforce org.
Build Lightning Web Components
Develop reusable Lightning web components using JavaScript and HTML.
Get Started with Web Accessibility
Learn what accessibility is and how to make websites and apps accessible to people with disabilities.
Study for the Salesforce JavaScript Developer I Exam
Get ready for the Salesforce JavaScript Developer I certification exam with interactive study tools.
Cert Prep: JavaScript Dev I: Browsers, Async Programming, Server Side JavaScript
Use scenarios and interactive flashcards to study for the JavaScript certification exam.
Cert Prep: JavaScript Dev I: Debugging, Error Handling, and Testing
Use scenarios and interactive flashcards to study for the JavaScript certification exam.
Cert Prep: JavaScript Dev I: Variables, Collections, Functions, and Classes
Use scenarios and interactive flashcards to study for the JavaScript certification exam.
Lightning Web Components Specialist
Showcase your mastery of Lightning Web Components by building a sophisticated app.