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Join the Trailblazer Community
Connect with community members to learn, get inspired and blaze trails together
+800 points
~1 hr 35 mins
+1,500 points
~45 mins
+3,100 points
~1 hr 50 mins
Who Sees What Series
The Who Sees What series covers the main features in Salesforce that determine the visibility of, and access to, data.
+800 points
Customize a Salesforce Object
Use picklists, filters, formulas, and other tools to customize an object in your org.
~1 hr 45 mins
+600 points
Approve Records with Approval Processes
Ensure that critical records are reviewed by the right people at the right time.
~30 mins
+2,100 points
~2 hrs 45 mins
+1,000 points
~1 hr 30 mins
+2,000 points
~2 hrs
B2B Technical Training Datasheet
Get ready for your classroom training by reviewing the data sheet for the upcoming expert-led class.