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#True To The Core0 discussing

Whew! I haven't posted here in ages but.. this group lives on, why not! : )



A great recent blog post on #True To The Core:

Closing the Loop on Past True to the Core Sessions: Where Do We Stand Today?

By Tuhina Koppikar |  September 12, 2024


...and wait whuuuut a Roadmap Exchange?!

That's awesome!!




Is there any way to unsubscribe from Status Text messages (via when access to the email on the account has been lost?


Recently finished a project for a client where I had Org Status text notifications setup using my phone number. This was initially setup using the email provided by the client, which was a government entity. Since off-boarding, several of my team members now cannot unsubscribe from these notifications since the emails are no longer accessible and have been decommissioned entirely. Even if they were reactivated, these emails cannot be accessed without government issued equipment, VPN, and PIV card (all of which have been returned).


The only way to manage subscriptions for the Status website ( is to enter the email used when it was initially set up. But now since me and some of my colleagues cannot access the email we initially subscribed with, we receive frequent status updates about orgs that we no longer support. Further, we cannot add our phone number to any new account since it is already associated with the previous account.


If subscribing to Status text notifications for different orgs is desired for anyone in this situation, an entirely new phone number needs to be used which is not a great solution. It would be useful if there were either a way to open a ticket on for support, or have the option of logging in by receiving an authorization code for the phone number on the account. That would allow us to remove the phone number and migrate it to a new account using a personal email.

3 answers

Hello, IdeaExchange Team!


Curious & would love some information on how Salesforce prioritizes ideas for the release prioritization ... 


I've been watching this idea for years - Cross Object Merge Fields in Email Template ( 


It has more points/votes than everything that was prioritized in the last round of ideas with the exception of the "Share" button in LEX.  The last thing we heard from @David Louie was over a year ago asking for use cases.  The feed has been flooded with use cases since then, but no response from David or update from Salesforce on the idea.


I'm just really curious how you all decide which ideas to put up for prioritization ... seems like something with this many points that has been open for 10+ years should have made it onto a prioritization?



Amber :)

  1. Jun 27, 2024, 2:19 AM

    Yes, I to would like to speak with someone on the Email Team(s). I would like a PM from each of the teams that handles Emails in Salesforce in any way to come and talk to the MVPs under NDA about your roadmap. But talking to anyone in the community about this is preferrable if that can't happen, and @Amber Venzke is the best person to talk to. If the meeting is in the afternoon, then I could join in too. 


Tomorrow on the Salesforce Admins podcast you will hear this-

"The future of user management is about reducing clicks and simplifying the experience for admins." - @Cheryl Feldman, Product Manager for User Access"

Subscribe Here:

1 comment

Save Admins Clicks!

Last week at True to the Core I was proud to ask the first question in the room (around minute 11:30), requesting that Salesforce product managers make it their North Star to reduce clicks for admins, as we try to do for our users/colleagues. I gave two examples of  quick wins. Now add your examples in this thread, please!

@IdeaExchange #True To The Core

  1. Oct 16, 2023, 8:24 PM

    in 'Where is this used?', it gives same flow and process builders multiple versions instead of only the active one.


Hello, Sales Cloud enthusiasts 👋 July may be over, but guess what? We have an exciting Forecasting announcement: Forecasting Guided Tour is now available!


🥁📣...We have just launched a publicly available guided tour for Forecasting! Here, you’ll learn about the many features that make Sales Managers’ lives more organized, predictable, and streamlined: ➡️ Check out the Guided Tour ⬅️ [SC_DPM] Forecasting 3.pngThis post wraps up our series on Forecasting to help you improve your sales and learn why Forecasting is crucial to your Sales organization.


Now, we’d love to hear from you: were these tips useful? 🤔 Let us know in the comments if you would like to learn more from our team on the different Sales Cloud features.


#Forecasting #Sales Cloud



I was curious if anyone knew why Salesforce built the reviews with Outbound Funds instead of using approvals? Is there advantages of one over the other? 

3 answers
  1. Mar 8, 2023, 3:27 PM
    And I’ll add that paleontologist enjoy working with approvals. They are a little bit like that insect recently found at Walmart. Lol. Sort of. How about giving approvals some love core team? #truetothecore

@Scott Allan @Parker Harris Is possible that we could get product managers or salesforce employees in have in their community name what product they own? Like John Smith (Salesforce | Svr Cloud - Knowledge) or whatever it may be. But something to identify more who they are; especially if they change roles.   


It has been said in the past about creating accountability, perhaps it starts with knowing who does what.  Also maybe even creating the different teams here on the Org


#True To The Core@IdeaExchange

  1. Andrew Russo (BACA Systems) Forum Ambassador
    Sep 26, 2022, 10:47 PM

    (FOR THE RECORD, None of the PMs i named knew i was going to ask that nor did i accept any money for asking it)


Although I sadly cannot attend Dreamforce this year, I'm looking forward to hearing what is discussed in this years True to the Core session. 

I'd love to hear a product team update on how they think idea exchange prioritization is serving their user base. In particular, I'd love to know why the more recent rounds of prioritization are so focused on industry-specific ideas, while core products like Service Cloud are seemingly forgotten. AND, I'm curious to hear a better explanation of why this idea, which received the overwhelming majority of coins from the May 22 round is being deprioritized.

Cheers, y'all! Enjoy DF for me!
