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#Trailmix0 discussing

I created a custom ojbect in a sandbox.  How do I give access to this custom object to others?  When I log in as them they don't see the object. I saw some advice from 2013 but wanted to get up to date information,
3 answers
  1. Jan 8, 3:55 PM

    Hello @Anthony DiGangi

    You can troubleshoot this issue at the below places:


    - Field-Level Security: Verify that the user has access to the fields they need. Go to Setup > Profiles or Permission Sets > Field Permissions, and ensure fields are marked as "Visible." 


    - Profile Settings: Go to the user's profile to ensure they have the required "Read," "Create," "Edit," or "Delete" object permissions. Navigate to Setup > Profiles > [User's Profile] > Object Settings, and check the custom object permissions. 


    - App Settings: Ensure the custom object is added to the app they use. Go to Setup > App Manager > [App Name] > Edit > Navigation Items, and include the object using the associated tab name. 


    Hope this will help you!


Hi All,

I encountered this issue and attempted all recommended solutions, but they were unsuccessful.

Please review and advise.







public class MyIterableTest {



    private static void testIterableForLoop() {



        List<String> strings = new List<String> {'Hello', 'World'};


        MyIterable myIterable = new MyIterable(strings);


        for (String str : myIterable) {











#Trailhead Challenges

5 answers
  1. Jan 4, 6:13 PM

    It seems that you're facing an issue with the test method in your @isTest class, particularly while iterating over a custom Iterable in the for loop. However, the code you've provided appears to be mostly correct, but there are a few potential areas where problems could arise. Let's walk through the code and provide some advice on possible fixes.



    public class MyIterableTest {


    private static void testIterableForLoop() {


    // Prepare test data

    List<String> strings = new List<String> {'Hello', 'World'};

    // Create an instance of your custom Iterable

    MyIterable myIterable = new MyIterable(strings);

    // Iterate over the custom Iterable

    for (String str : myIterable) {

    System.debug(str); // This should print 'Hello' and 'World'





    Key Points to Check:

    Custom Iterable Implementation (MyIterable Class):

    1. The issue most likely lies within the MyIterable class, as it's a custom class you're using for iteration.
    2. Ensure that MyIterable implements Iterable correctly and that it's properly constructed. Here's a sample of what your MyIterable class might look like.

    Example of a Full Working Solution:

    // Custom Iterable Class

    public class MyIterable implements Iterable<String> {

    private List<String> data;

    // Constructor that takes a List of Strings

    public MyIterable(List<String> data) { = data;


    // Implement the iterator method to return the list iterator

    public Iterator<String> iterator() {

    return data.iterator();



    // Test Class


    public class MyIterableTest {


    private static void testIterableForLoop() {


    // Prepare the test data

    List<String> strings = new List<String> {'Hello', 'World'};

    // Create an instance of MyIterable

    MyIterable myIterable = new MyIterable(strings);

    // Iterate over the iterable

    for (String str : myIterable) {

    System.debug(str); // Expected to print 'Hello' and 'World'





    The issue you're facing likely revolves around the implementation of your MyIterable class and its iterator() method. Make sure that the class implements the Iterable interface properly and that the iterator() method returns a valid iterator (e.g., from a List). The test method itself looks fine, but the class that you're testing might have some issues. Once you ensure proper implementation of the iterable logic, your test should pass successfully.

    If you think this helps please mark Answer as Useful so that it will help others as well


    #Trailhead Challenges #Trailhead #TrailblazerCommunity #Trailmix #TrailblazerCommunity #TrailblazerCommunity #Trailhead Support


Hi all,

Currently I'm trying to move on with the Marketing Cloud Administrator Cert Prep. I'm following a trailmix Prepare for Your Marketing Cloud Administrator Certification Exam Prework (

Besides other Trailmix's, in this trailmix I can't mark a task as "mark as complete". Is there anything I can do?

Thanks in advance.



#Trailhead Challenges  #Trailhead  #TrailblazerCommunity  #Trailmix

4 answers
  1. Oct 16, 2024, 9:51 AM

    Hi @Osman Gencoglu I am a member of Trailhead Help, there is no "mark as complete" for Task and this is by design. Please make sure to mark the response which helped you to address your query as 'Best Answer' so that it might help fellow Trailblazers who are facing similar issue. Thanks!




I'm going through the recommended trailmix to prep for the Ed Cloud Consultant Cert.  I'm finding that most of these modules are outdated, referencing a lot about EDA and managed packages and features that don't exist anymore.  


I understand that Ed Cloud was built upon EDA, but I'm wanting to learn more about the current features.  Can anyone point me to more current Ed Cloud modules/trailmixes?


I appreciate it!


#Trailhead  #Trailmix  #Education Cloud

3 answers
2 answers
  1. Jun 18, 2024, 3:35 PM

    @Valentine Muriuki you can create your own trailmix. That way you have your own list of modules or trails tailored to your specific needs. Look for modules on Trailhead and find the button to Add to Trailmix. Then you can Add to New Trailmix to create your own.


    you can create your own trailmix. That way you have your own list of modules or trails tailored to your specific needs. Look for modules on Trailhead and find the button to Add to Trailmix.


    Hope that helps. If it does, feel free to click the Accept this answer button.


Are the badges acquired that underlie each Trail and Trailmix the only records?

Upon my completion of 2 trails and 2 Trailmixes the only evidence is that they disappear from the "In Progress" section. Is my experience normal or is there some more thorough record of Trail and Trailmix completion to be expected that I'm not experiencing?

Thank You!



2 answers
  1. Jun 8, 2024, 11:06 PM

    Thank you Eric for your prompt and helpful response. I'll have to check the trail mix page again when I'm at the laptop. Maybe it wasn't loading properly on phone. Great, as long as there"s a record somewhere, it makes it easier to keep track of trails/mixes I've completed. Thank you so much!


I've completed the following trailmix but it was showing only 97%

Unlock Your Data with Data Cloud

I then unfollowed and followed the trailmix and now it shows 0%


#Trailhead Challenges  #Trailmix

2 answers

Hey Community!


I'm underway with completing my Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Credential and have run into 2 instances where I can see in my Trailmix an orange 'Task - Email Marketing Best Practices - Exam Weight 10%' but without a link on the task or a button to complete.


Is there something wrong with my Trailmix? Or, is this a not-to-complete task to show how much weight of the module will be in the exam?




#Trailhead Challenges  #Trailmix  #Trailhead  #TrailblazerCommunity

5 answers
  1. May 20, 2024, 9:09 PM

    A "Task" is just a header of several contents placed below that task.
