I'm following the 'Stakeholder Management in Nonprofit Cloud' trail > 'Manage Households' unit > 'Create a Household Account and Associate Household Members' section steps, and according to the trail, I should be able to add a Role per contact as below:
But on my learning org, I can't see the Role field for contacts in the PRG, so hit an error trying to save:
Update: error was caused by selecting an Account-Account Relationship in the contact's 'Party Relationship Group' field - selecting a Contact-Contact Relationship allowed me to save the group. But still can't find the expected 'Role' field hence not fully resolved
This is a fresh org and none of the functionality has been changed - why is the field missing?
@Elli Brougham Thanks for raising this, and sorry about the confusion. I write Trailhead content for Nonprofit Cloud, and I think I can help.
The correct field isn't "Role" but "Roles," which appears to be a typo in the badge. I will fix that today with a few other small changes to this badge, and that should release tomorrow.
The Role field doesn't appear on the Party Relationship Group object. It is used to create an Account Contact Relationship record that connects a Person Account to the Business Account that represents the household (see the screenshot attached). The Roles field on the Account Contact Relationship record can be used in Actionable Relationship Center (ARC) and other displays to show an individual's role in the group. I'll also add a line describing this in the badge in today's small update.
Does that help?
I have a rewrite planned for this badge in the next few months. Sorry it isn't currently clear.