The error "no results found for email object in Salesforce" when previewing your Conga email template typically happens when the template can't find the required data in Salesforce. This could be due to issues with data sources, object references, or missing records. Please verify the following:
- Missing Data: The email template may be linked to an object (e.g., Lead, Contact, Account), but no data is available in Salesforce for the preview. Ensure the object has at least one record with populated data, and that any merge fields you use are correctly populated in the relevant record.
- Incorrect Merge Fields: If the merge fields reference non-existent or incorrect fields, the data won’t be pulled. Double-check that the merge fields are mapped to valid fields in the correct object.
- Selecting a Record for Preview: When previewing, ensure you select an existing record with data that matches the criteria for the email template. You might also need to specify a record ID for the preview to display data.
- Permissions: Ensure you have the necessary permissions to view the records and data in the relevant Salesforce object. If permissions are restrictive, the email template may not be able to find or display the data.
- Conga Configuration: Review your Conga configuration settings to ensure Conga Composer is correctly set up to pull data from the correct Salesforce data source. You may need to verify the configuration for the data sources and data model.
Refer to the following documentation for more details: this helps. Thanks!
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I'm getting this error when converting a lead with Lead Record Type: Roofing.
"The lead conversion failed because the value for the field Roofing_Job_Type__c is invalid. The value comes from the lead field that's mapped to the field Roofing_Job_Type__c. Ask your admin to check the field mappings."
Roofing Job Type is a custom picklist field that has long been mapped to the opportunity field. Until recently, when adding new values to the picklist it has now prompted this error message.
I queried this error on Google and Trailblazer Community and found this article:
I followed all the steps necessary. Making sure that the opportunity custom field is mapped accordingly and that the picklist values for lead and opportunity are identical. What else can I do? it still is showing the error.
I also made sure both are only shown on Roofing lead record type. I know the picklist values that work and that don't... should I delete the values and retry again?
Feb 19, 11:19 PM For me this case is even more weird there is a multi select picklist list field called " Brand__c" in account layout however this field doesn't even exist in opportunity/lead/contact object and i am still getting an error saying "The lead conversion failed because the value for the field Brand__c is invalid. The value comes from the lead field that's mapped to the field Brand__c. Ask your admin to check the field mappings." I checked the mappings and there is no such field mapping that can be found in the lead mapping. What could be the issue please help. #Trailhead Challenges#leadconversion #Convert Lead #Flow #Custom Buttons #Multi-picklist Field #TrailblazerCommunity
Hello Salesforce Team, Could you please help us to answer below mentioned query regarding setup audit trail ? 1. what are the possible query for this salesforce object i.e can we poll it hourly / daily basis by providing conditions in the query (ref: 2. Is this possible to get the available value supported in the Action column along with its description mapped in Display column as we have to provide some custom mapping based on the Action column values ? Please let me know in case of any query for the above asked questions. Thanks in Advance!!!
Apex Web Services Superbadge Unit:
Challenge: Find the Permissible Fly Zone
Connected Org:
Error Says: We can't find the expected permissible fly zone for a product for when the CountryCode is not included in the request headers.
However code is working for BOTH Header CountryCode & no Header CountryCode Using Postman. Test Coverage is also 100%.
May 13, 2024, 12:50 PM @Asmita kulkarni I received this message as well. The main reason is I had not been filtering the Product2 object based on the Product Code from the ProductCode input parameter. After you query the Product2 object for Product Family, use the product family to filter the Product_Geo_Mapping__mdt custom meta object for country code and product family using the SOQL WHERE statement. If you do this it will fix this issue.
no matter how much I try to repeat the steps in this practical, i just cant seem to find the email opt out. Can someone help me pls? Thanks
#Trailhead Challenges
Jan 20, 3:45 PM Hi, @Muhammad Aleem Mohamed Alli
- On the NPSP Data Import record in the Object Manager, click Fields & Relationships.
- Click New.
- Select Picklist, and then click Next.
- Enter these values:
- Field Label: Contact1 Email Opt Out
- Values: select Enter values, with each value separated by a new line and in the box, enter these values:
Field Name should automatically populate with Contact1_Email_Opt_Out
Click Next.
Click Next on the next screen, then Save & New.
Repeat the same steps to create a field for Contact2 Email Opt Out, then click Save
at the end of the process.
Mykhailo Vdovychenko
Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ
hello community, in survey data mapping i can´t add field agent rating, some soluttion?
#Trailhead Challenges
Jan 31, 7:23 PM Create a custom field in the Case object named "Agent Rating" and set its type to Number. Then, try entering the field in the Data Map, and it should work.
I kept receiving this error when I try to Convert a Lead
Divya Chauhan (Kcloud Technologies) Forum Ambassador
Jan 16, 8:23 AM Hello@Katherine Marroquin,
- As per your explanation you are getting the error of Required fields are missing Street_Address__c
- So map Street_Address__c custom field as it is required . So you need to assign value of that field explicitly
- Or try to make Street_Address__c unrequired by:-
- try to deactivate trigger or validation rule on object if any
- or uncheck Required checkbox on field
This error is coming and not able to complete the challenge .
Please help.
Dec 28, 2024, 9:02 PM I found the solution for the above. It is not working on the existing playground even though we follow the right steps. It works correctly only on the new playground. So we need to create a custom Object Offer and then map this relationship to both Contact and Property.
I found out the issue. I was creating my Master & Lookup relationship in the wrong custom object. It was supposed to be in the "Offer" object that I made previously.
Cómo resuelvo?
Dec 24, 2024, 1:00 PM I found the solution for the above. It is not working on the existing playground even though we follow the right steps. It works correctly only on the new playground. So we need to create a custom Object Offer and then map this relationship to both Contact and Property.
I'm working on the "Apex Web Services Superbadge Unit" challenge but I can't pass the challenge. I have multiple tests that check for missing CountryCode request header entry and value but the check says I'm not testing for this.
The code coverage for ProductZoningService shows that the code works as expected. In all four tests, the CountryCode is defaulted to 'US' as per the requirements.
Test one replaces the CountryCode header value with 'MX' which is not in the Product Geo Mapping custom metadata.
Test two removes CountryCode from the header entirely. request.headers.remove('CountryCode');
Test three replaces the CountryCode value with null. request.headers.put('CountryCode', null);
Test four replaces the CountryCode value with a blank. request.headers.put('CountryCode', '');
Any ideas on what is going on? Am I over thinking the tests?
Here's the error when I try to pass the challenge:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We can't find the expected permissible fly zone for a product when the CountryCode is not included in the request headers. For a ProductCode, use the mapping in the Product Geo Mapping custom metadata type with the Product Family field of the Product object.