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#Trailhead Challenges2,417 discussing

Hands-on challenges are the “secret sauce” of Trailhead. Before searching for solutions to superbadge challenges, review the Salesforce Certification Program Agreement and Policies.

Get Ready

You’ll be completing this unit in your own hands-on org. Click Launch to get started, or click the name of your org to choose a different one.

Your Challenge

Create a Permission Set to Handle Field Access

One of the requirements of our Recruiting app is that Hiring Managers can update job applications, but they can’t change the related candidate or position. Create a permission set that gives the correct access.


Need Help?

  • Review common issues.
  • Get help on the challenges for this specific module.
  • Create a permission set:
    • Label: Manage Job Applications
    • API Name: Manage_Job_Applications
    • Add a description (We won’t check for this.)
    • License: -None-
    • Enable Job Application Object Permissions: Read and Edit
    • Enable Job Application Field Permissions: Assigned users can view all fields and edit all fields, except they can’t edit Position and Candidate.
  • #Trailhead Challenges
7 answers
  1. Feb 26, 4:30 AM

    Hello @Nisha Jaichand

    Before you can use Prompt Builder, enable Einstein in the organization and assign users the correct permission set.

    1. Set Up Einstein Generative AI in Setup.
    2. To build prompt templates, turn on Sales Emails.
      1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Einstein Sales, and then select Einstein for Sales.
      2. Enable Sales Emails. It can take a few minutes before the feature is ready to use.
    3. Assign the Prompt Template Manager permission set to users that need to create and manage prompt templates in Prompt Builder.
      1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Permission Sets, and then select Permission Sets.
      2. From the Permission Sets list view, click Prompt Template Manager.
      3. From the Prompt Template Manager detail page, click Manage Assignments and Add Assignments.
      4. Select the checkboxes next to the names of the users, including yourself, that you want assigned to the permission set, and click Next. To add a user to the Prompt Template Manager permission set, the user must have access to Setup.
      5. Click Assign.
    4. Assign the separate Prompt Template User permission set for end users that need to access and run prompt templates.
    5. Refresh the page so that Prompt Builder is now visible in Setup.
    6. To open Prompt Builder from Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Prompt Builder, and then select Prompt Builder.

Someone else had this problem? Challenge not yet complete in Wise Unicorn Playground

We can’t find the correct object permissions for account in the ‘Sales User’ permission set group. 



  • Assign the permission set group to the user you created in the previous unit.How do I do this? what user is it meant? when i do manage assignments and try to assigb to sales user it says that the user doesnt have a license for it? 




This was the challenge:

Configure Object, Field, and Record Access

As part of your data access configuration, you must give your sales reps access to accounts. You plan to reuse the same permission set for users who’ll need greater access to accounts, so you’ll mute certain permissions for your sales reps using a permission set group.

You also need to configure your organization-wide defaults for accounts and opportunities so users only see the records they need to.

  • Create a permission set:
    • Label: Account Access
    • API Name: Account_Access
    • Add a description (We won’t check for this.)
    • License: -None-
    • Enable Account Object Permissions: Read, Create, Edit, Delete, View All Records, and Modify All Records
    • Enable Account Field Permissions: Read Access and Edit Access for all fields
  • Create a permission set group and assign it to the user you created:
    • Label: Sales User
    • API Name: Sales_User
    • Include the Account Access permission set that you created
    • Create a muting permission set in the permission set group and name it Sales User Muted (API Name: Sales_User_Muted)
    • Mute Account Object Permissions: Delete, View All Records, and Modify All Records
    • Mute Account Field Permissions: Edit Access for the Annual Revenue and Customer Priority fields
    • Assign the permission set group to the user you created in the previous unit
  • Configure organization-wide defaults:
    • Account and Contract: Visible but not editable for all users.
    • Opportunity: Visible only to record owners and users higher in the role hierarchy.
  • #Trailhead Challenges


I am trying to complete a Revenue Cloud Trailmix. As part of that is the "Manage Products, Prices, Quotes, and Orders" project. I have completed quite of the few of the other steps prior to that. Within this project is the "Create an Opportunity and Add Products to It". I have active products and pricebooks. When I go to the opportunity (created as directed in the lesson) I click on the Choose Pricebook button on the related Product and choose the Nonprofit price book and click Save. It then says to add products. But the Add Products button is not there. Not sure if it is important but I create a new developer org today to complete this trailmix as my other dev org expired.  


How can I get to Add Products? 


Thank you. 


#Trailhead Challenges  #Trailhead  #Trailhead Support  #Trailhead Developer Org

8 answers
  1. Feb 11, 12:09 AM

    Hi There, 

    I was able to get through the product additions by creating a new playground (my third ow). But now I can't pass the "Control Access to Price Books and Products" module because I can't create the two required users in the module called "Create and Customize Products" as I don't have an additional user with a Salesforce License Type.  

    This is all part of the "Manage Products, Prices, Quotes, and Orders". 

    How do I correct that? We are only given 2 salesforce licenses and one is me and one goes to one of the new users. 

    Thank you. 



I have been trying this module and is not possible, always appears with same answer 


Module of Control Access to Fields 

We can't find that the ‘Manage Job Applications’ permission set grants read access and edit access to all Job Application fields, except edit access for Position and Candidate.



job application object relationship with Position and Candidate...i did it 

enable Job Application Object Permissions: Read and Edit..that is ok and I did it 


Enable Job Application Field Permissions: Assigned users can view all fields and edit all fields, except they can’t edit Position and Candidate...where can i do it?from permission setting or object manager? 


Do I have to include a hiring manager profile and associate it with a permission setting? 


#Trailhead Challenges

Please help me. I have 2 Marketing licences and only used 1. The marketing user check box is lowlighted and I am unable to tick it to complete the challenge. 
22 answers
  1. Apr 29, 2021, 8:03 PM
    Thanks - this finally worked for me:


    1. Create a permission set as "Bilingual Pilot" and give read, create, edit, delete, view all and modify all to Accounts, Contacts and Oppurtunity objects (by also making Language Preference as Edit Access) under Object Settings.


    2. Once Saved click on "Manage Assignments > Add Assignment" and assign it to the Shinje Tashi User.


    Check your challenge and your done :)


    Note: Before you assign the Permission set, please make sure Shinje Tashi User has the details as below


    Role: CEO


    User License: Salesforce


    Profile: Standard User

Hi folks. I am stuck with the following challenge: 


Control Access to Fields


Create a Permission Set to Handle Field Access

One of the requirements of our Recruiting app is that Hiring Managers can update job applications, but they can’t change the related candidate or position. Create a permission set that gives the correct access. 


  • Create a permission set:
    • Label: Manage Job Applications
    • API Name: Manage_Job_Applications
    • Add a description (We won’t check for this.)
    • License: -None-
    • Enable Job Application Object Permissions: Read and Edit
    • Enable Job Application Field Permissions: Assigned users can view all fields and edit all fields, except they can’t edit Position and Candidate.

After completing the task, I keep getting the following error message: 


We can't find that the ‘Manage Job Applications’ permission set grants read access and edit access to all Job Application fields, except edit access for Position and Candidate.


Maybe you could point out where I have made a mistake (or even a couple), for my eyes are bleeding already from that damned monitor... 


#Trailhead Challenges


I am unable to do step 6 because I can't find Reviews in the Find Settings Box. Why is that?  

Thanks in advance. 


Create a Permission Set

Create a permission set that controls access to the Review object for your Recruiter app.

  1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, search for and select Permission Sets.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter your permission set’s label and description. Name this one Access and Manage Reviews.
  4. Optionally, you can select whether only users with certain licenses are assigned this permission set. Select –None–.
  5. Click Save.
  6. To add object permissions, in the Find Settings box, search for and select Reviews.
  7. Click Edit.
  8. Enable Read, Create, and Edit permissions.
  9. Click Save.

You can assign permission sets directly to users. But instead, first create a permission set group and include this permission set. 


#Trailhead Challenges

8 answers

Create a Permission Set to Handle Field Access

One of the requirements of our Recruiting app is that Hiring Managers can update job applications, but they can’t change the related candidate or position. Create a permission set that gives the correct access. 


Need Help?

  • Review common issues.
  • Get help on the challenges for this specific module.
  • Create a permission set:
    • Label: Manage Job Applications
    • API Name: Manage_Job_Applications
    • Add a description (We won’t check for this.)
    • License: -None-
    • Enable Job Application Object Permissions: Read and Edit
    • Enable Job Application Field Permissions: Assigned users can view all fields and edit all fields, except they can’t edit Position and Candidate.


We can't find that the ‘Manage Job Applications’ permission set grants read access and edit access to all Job Application fields, except edit access for Position and Candidate.


#Trailhead Challenges

5 answers
  1. Jan 22, 10:27 AM

    Hello@Vikash Raj,

    • make sure you have installed  this package "04t0P000000N9rs"

    I did it in my current environment and had to remove all permission set groups and delete the permission set and the previous 'Job Application' object I created since the data was missing because I was missing the data package ( I am sure it would work if you started it in a new environment and restarted the challenge. )


    Since the package comes with its own Candidate and Position fields, you have to go into each one of these within the Job Application Object under Field & Relationships -> Select Candidate ->Edit - > change field type - > Select lookup relationship -> Next -> Next-> (VERY IMPORTANT) Select Read Access and unselect Edit Access -> Save


    Now do the same for Position.


    After that just follow the Challenge Promp.


    Set up ' Manage Job Application Permission Set'


    Go to Object

     Settings under 'Job Applications'

    It should look like this and you're done!



in Manage members search bar iam not getting Fumiko Suzuki and Aaron Hartzler names 



#Trailhead Challenges

3 answers