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#Trailhead Challenges2,417 discussing

Hands-on challenges are the “secret sauce” of Trailhead. Before searching for solutions to superbadge challenges, review the Salesforce Certification Program Agreement and Policies.

Give users a customized set of fields on their contact record pages.

  • Select Edit Page from a contact record
  • Upgrade the page to use Dynamic Forms
  • Use the Contact Layout as the source for the fields
  • Remove these fields from the page:
    • Fax
    • Other Phone
    • Home Phone
  • Remove the Notes & Attachments related list from the Contact Layout page layout and replace it with the Files related list.
  • Save and activate the page as the org default, and make it available to both desktop and phone users

#Trailhead Challenges

2 answers
  1. Feb 18, 9:38 AM

    Hello @Raheemkhan Mohmed

    You have to get out of the App Builder, go to Object Manager and select Contact > Page Layouts (on the left) > Contact Layout (under "page layout name" column) > select Related Lists (on the left) > scroll way down and click the minus (-) icon for "Notes & Attachments" > scroll back to the top > now you'll notice "Files" is enabled > drag "Files" down to where "Notes & Attachments" was (just below Campaign History)  > Save


    Now when you reload the contact page you will see "Files" in the Related List, instead of "Notes & Attachments". Hello , You have to get out of the App Builder, go to Object Manager and select Contact > Page Layouts (on the left) > Contact Layout (under select Related Lists (on the l" style="display: block;" />



I'm working on the Customize the Home Page trail in the Prepare Your Salesforce Org for Users



I've completed all the steps as instructed, verbatim (I even deleted everything and did it again), including: 


Display the five most recent cases.

  1. Drag the Recent Items component to any spot in the canvas.
  2. For Custom Label, enter Recent Cases.
  3. Click Select.
  4. Move the currently selected object, API Anomaly Event Store, into the Available column by selecting it and clicking the Left Arrow.
  5. Select Case from Available and click the Right Arrow to move it into the Selected Column.
  6. Click OK.
  7. For Number of Records to Display, enter 5.


However, despite following these steps, carefully, when I "


" my work, I keep getting Error Message: 


Ensure that you moved the Case object from the Available column to the Selected column.


I've done this (move the 

Case object to the Selected column, while also moving API Anomaly Event Store object to the Available

 column) -- and I've triple-checked I've Saved and Activated too. 


Here's a screenshot showing my setup, which I'm pretty certain is 100%: 

Customize the Home Page trail NOT VERIFYING Correctly


I'm simply brushing up on old topics I know and can't imagine what I'm doing wrong here -- this is not a complex, hands-on superbadge... 


Can someone maybe check this trail for bugs/errors?




#Trailhead Challenges


where I can add new opportunity page? 


#Trailhead Challenges

5 answers
  1. Feb 17, 8:56 AM

    Go to the Opportunities tab and click New. (If you don't see the tab, check the App Launcher grid icon in the top-left and search for Opportunities) If you're trying to customize the page, you can do so in Lightning App Builder under Setup -> Object Manager -> Opportunity -> Lightning Record Pages.


I did use upgrade now ; I did follow all the steps but when I check I got this answer : Make sure that ‘Customer Account Page’ has been upgraded to use Dynamic Forms


Something went wrong but I can't find it, please help.

Thanks in advance,



#Trailhead Challenges

5 answers
  1. Jun 25, 2024, 4:37 PM

    Hi @Caroline E.


    I am from the Trailhead help team. May I request you please let us know if any of the above responses helped you resolve the issue? If yes, kindly share the solution that helped you resolve the issue or please make sure to mark the response which helped you to resolve your query as 'Best Answer' so that it might help the fellow Trailblazer's who are facing the similar issue.

    Else, please let us know the Trailhead module/badge that you are working on so that we can go ahead and create a case on behalf of you and can assist accordingly.


Hi everyone,

I'm working on the "Customize the Home Page" module in Trailhead and facing an issue while verifying my step.

I've added the Recent Items component, set the custom label to "Recent Cases", selected Case as the object, and set the number of records to 5

. However, when I verify the step, I get the error: 

"Step not yet complete in Playful Otter Playground-for practice. Ensure that you have followed all the steps to create the 'Recent Items' component."

I've attached screenshots showing my setup. I also saved and activated the page. Am I missing something? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! 

I am unable to correct the error - Step not yet complete in Playful Otter Playground-for practice









2 answers
  1. Feb 15, 6:45 PM

    Hello @Nitin Joshi, Ensure that you have saved your lightning page after making your changes on page, and don't forget to activate it while assigning it to org default/app default. 


Hi Everybody. 


I have a issue with this module, i can foward because i dont see the error in my exercise, please help me. 

Please Help Me Error Trailhead Module Customize Saleforce Object Part six (customize record page)




#Trailhead Challenges


I'm trying to complete the challenge at the end of Customize Record Page Components and Fields

but I have no contacts in my contacts... am I supposed to make them up myself or was I supposed to do something earlier in the trail that I neglected? As far as I can tell I cannot edit the page without any contacts in it. 


any help would be appreciated! 


Customize a contact record page






#Trailhead Challenges

5 answers

This is the error I am getting-'Challenge not yet complete in Wise Unicorn Playground

We can't find the default record page for the Contact object. Be sure to activate and assign a record page as Org Default.' 


Actually, i can't find where I should perform the last listed step in the instructions; which goes like so... 


  • Save and activate the page as the org default, and make it available to both desktop and phone users

#Trailhead Challenges
