Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Couldn't find a correctly configured grouping of account types called 'Market' in the 'Accounts by Market' report.
#Trailhead Challenges
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Couldn't find a correctly configured grouping of account types called 'Market' in the 'Accounts by Market' report.
#Trailhead Challenges
Install as Admin
This is part of Trailhead: Salesforce Labs Basics
1. Dashboard(PMT/ZJdwKeVNazdphKGOKgoOevLuGnjCVK) User doesn't have permission (changeDashboardColors) to create dashboard with colors
PMT/ZJdwKeVNazdphKGOKgoOevLuGnjCVK: User doesn't have permission (changeDashboardColors) to create dashboard with colors
#Trailhead Challenges #Trailhead #Trailhead Support
I'm working on Omni Channel for Lightning Experience module on trailhead.
While creating a report type for Omni Channel, I couldn't find the report types in the quick find box.
I can able to access on Sales setup but i couldn't able to do in Service Setup.
How to get this feature in the quick find menu?
is anyone have idea ? Please let me know
Thanks in Advance
#Trailhead Challenges
Hi @chirag ahir
, all the custom objects are enabled to allow reports, However we can't edit the standard objects.
In my case, to create custom report types in service setup I couldn't able to find report types option under reports and dashboards at service setup.
I am getting this error in this hands on challenge it states - Challenge not yet complete in Brave Panda Playground for Reports and Dashboards
We can’t find the ‘Confirm product’ choice resource. Make sure its API Name is ‘Confirm_product’.
I have checked back all the steps and can't see where the issue with this is, I have created the checkbox group in the opp fields screen, traced back all my steps from this and can't see where I have gone wrong.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
#Trailhead Challenges
I'm stuck on the Create a Product Pipeline Dashboard with CRM Analytics Charts, Add a Pyramid Chart
The error message says that there is no pyramid chart with the title "Products..."
I might be wrong but I think there is......
"Click Count of Rows options menu (⌄), then select Sort ascending to sort the bars in ascending order."
I selected the "Sum of pipeline..." to sort ascending
I keep getting an error message stating that The folder named Global Sales Dashboard couldnt be created. I am working on a Playground challenge
#Trailhead Challenges
I was working on trailhead on a new environment and there seemed to be an unexpected error. I can't fully understand what went wrong, I did everything as mentioned
Hi Hussein ,
I created a new dashboard and solved the challenge again.
I downloaded the adoption dashboard per instruction in a module, but these buttons are not visible when I click my profile picture in the corner of AppExchange website, as they are in the example photo at the end of the next unit.
Additionally, each org or playground I create generates a unique email, and I am unsure how to merge these into my primary account because I don't know what the passwords are, and I don't have access to wherever the inbox is.
Hi ,
Please go to that folder and check whether you have created 2 dashboards or same name or not?.
If you have created the 2 dashboards of same name then delete one and check challenge.
I am unable to get three roles that is Channel Sales Team, Eastern Sales Team, and Western Sales Team when i click on the search roles. Nothing pops up? how could i resolve this issue?
#Trailhead Challenges