Hello All,
Context : We have implemented B2B experience cloud portal for our B2B clients. Clients (external users) connects to the portal via SSO (Auth0 and internal IDP). Inside portal, we have embedded different portals (not Salesforce and which are accessible via SSO i.e. client can switch from portal to portal and no need to provide Username and Password) as well as Widgets (using iFrames) and API callouts (wherein we use JWT token returned by Auth0 for connected client). Also there are functionalities per client in the front ex. mark some items favorite, add some records in his/her watchlist etc..).
Now we have below requirement :
We want our sales(internal user) to connect as Client(external user) via SSO and MUST have same view as Client in the portal.
I can't use standard functionality "Log in to Experience as User" because it initiate another session by Salesforce and not SSO. Hence I can't access other portals, widgets and make API callouts.
Any ideas/suggestions ? What could be another workaround ?
#Salesforce Identity #SSO #Openidconnect #Experience Cloud #External Community Users #Internal Users
Thank you in advance for your help.
Best regards,
Onkar Dhane.