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#SSO1 discussing

Hello All,

Context : We have implemented B2B experience cloud portal for our B2B clients. Clients (external users) connects to the portal via SSO (Auth0 and internal IDP). Inside portal, we have embedded different portals (not Salesforce and which are accessible via SSO i.e. client can switch from portal to portal and no need to provide Username and Password) as well as Widgets (using iFrames) and API callouts (wherein we use JWT token returned by Auth0 for connected client).  Also there are functionalities per client in the front ex. mark some items favorite, add some records in his/her watchlist etc..). 

Now we have below requirement

We want our sales(internal user) to connect as Client(external user) via SSO and MUST have same view as Client in the portal.  


I can't use standard functionality "Log in to Experience as User" because it initiate another session by Salesforce and not SSO. Hence I can't access other portals, widgets and make API callouts. 


Any ideas/suggestions ? What could be another workaround ? 


#Salesforce Identity #SSO #Openidconnect #Experience Cloud #External Community Users #Internal Users 


FYI @Christophe Bouchet  


Thank you in advance for your help. 

Best regards,

Onkar Dhane. 

3 answers

Hello!  My org uses SSO with Delegated Authentication.  Some users randomly report receiving an error when logging in: "We can't log you in because of an issue with single sign on."  Looking into the Delegated Authentication Error History, all it says is "".  Other users with SSO enabled do not see the error.  This can happen while on the company network or VPN.  Any advice is appreciated as I'm new to SSO authentication.


We have enforced SSO for our users. When a user authenticates with Salesforce using an external application such as workbench or a google sheet connector they login using the custom domain and Microsoft Azure SSO login button.


The login history suggests differently, and says they are logging in using ''. For such a login I would expect to see our custom domain.


Here are the logins highlighted in green where I would expect to the login URL as the custom domain


Am i misunderstanding the login history?



#Security #Identity & Access Management #SSO

1 answer

My single sign on shows two different expiration date.

When I checked the SAML Single Sign On settings page in setup, for the field 'Identity Provider Certificate', It shows the following value 'CN=Microsoft Azure Federated SSO Certificate

Expiration: 4 Jul 2026 13:10:37 GMT'


I then opened the certificate itself, present on the field Request Signing Certificate, it says that the expiration date is in 2024.


Which is the true expiration date?


I checked with my Identity Provider team, they said it is 2026, but want to double check why it is showing 2024 in SF.


#SSO  #SSO Setup  #Single Sing-on  #Security  #Identity & Access Management

1 answer
  1. Sushil Kumar (UKG) Forum Ambassador
    Feb 21, 2024, 11:23 AM
    Those are two different types of certificate. Request signing certificate could be used by your IDP to verify the Auth N request coming from Service provider (which is Salesforce in this case). A lot of cases IDP may not verify this certificate. You can check with your IDP team if they use SF request signing certificate for auth N request(For SP initiated SSO). The second certificate is the IDP certificate which is provided by your IDP, when IDP posts SAML response, they sign response with that certificate, and then Salesforce can use certificate uploaded in SF to verify the response to make sure it’s coming from right source.

Hello, I am preparing to implement MFA to anticipate SF's enforcement actions planned for Spring '24.

In my org, some users use SSO to connect. To my knowledge, their SSO does not include MFA.


How should I proceed ?


1. Should I enable MFA for all users (including SSO ones) ? If yes - how will SSO users be impacted ?


2. Should I enable MFA from users who use direct login and waive MFA for SSO users ?


Thank you so much in advance for your answers.


#MFA - Getting Started #MFA #SSO #Spring24 

11 answers
  1. Feb 20, 2024, 9:57 PM

    @Chris Vasilenko, am I understanding that your SSO users started getting MFA challenges when accessing Salesforce through your SSO portal? If so, that is not the expected experience. The "Require multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all direct UI logins to your Salesforce org" setting is meant to apply when users log in directly to the org with their Salesforce username and password. It shouldn't be affecting users who come in through SSO. I recommend contacting Salesforce Customer Support about what you're seeing.


    FYI @Tushar Pradhan


I want to reset password for User but I am getting message 'Passwords cannot be reset for Single Sign-On Users' . When I try to forgot password .I received a link on mail to reset password but after on clciking on it I get error  .'Passwords cannot be reset for Single Sign-On Users. For help with resetting your password, please Contact your company's administrator for assistance'


How to reset a password for user. I have checked various articles but no help.

#Salesforce #Salesforce Developer #SSO #Sales Cloud

1 answer
  1. Manoj Nambirajan (Dell Technologies) Forum Ambassador
    Feb 8, 2024, 11:56 AM

    @Shivani Tanwar the behavior you see is standard behavior as Single sign on implies you dont have to manually enter your password for login and you would seamlessly sign on to salesforce.


    Are you the only admin in your instance? error that you get is because the user is linked with a single sign on configuration and you need to uncouple user from that 


Hi Folks,

One of our clients is planning to remove SSO from their ORG. I do not see any form of guide to remove SSO from an ORG. All I see are guides and trailheads on how to enable SSO and how to disable login from my domain. Any help is appreciated.





#SSO #Single Sing-on

3 answers

I created a new self signed certificate for to replace our expiring one. 


I replaced the expiring cert with the new one on the SAML Single Sign-On Settings page in

fields Request Signing Certificate and Assertion Decryption Certificate. They both show the new certificate. 


However, when I go to Setup > Certificate and Key Management page, the expiring certificate does not have the Delete action. Does this mean it wasn't successfully replaced? It has been two days. 


#Security #SSO

2 answers
  1. Feb 8, 2024, 3:04 PM

    Hi @Lilly Beauchamp,


    In order to get the delete option for this certificate, you have to replace it with an existing one on the Identity Provider. Open the expired certificate, hover on the delete button (if the button is greyed out) then you will find the information where that certificate is used.

    Usually deletion of an expired certificate fails when it is being used in any of the below three places

    1. Single Sign-On
    2. Connected Apps
    3. Identity Provider

    From Setup --> Go to Identity provider --> Replace it with existing certificates --> Save.

    Go to Setup --> Certificate and Key Management --> You will see the delete option now.





Our instance will be refreshed next month, and we will have a new instance.  We're already searching for hard coded references to the old instance and we use my domain.  But we use Single Sign On extensively and we need it to work after the refresh. 


We use Single Sign On, will that be affected by the instance refresh?  Will we need to create a new Single Sign On setup after the instance refresh?  We use Azure for our SSO. 


#SSO #Instance Refresh:

3 answers
  1. Manoj Nambirajan (Dell Technologies) Forum Ambassador
    Nov 3, 2023, 12:27 PM

    @Gabor Fabian Salesforce offers a feature called 'My Domain' that allows you to create a persistent hostname that won't change as the result of an instance refresh.


    and since you are using mydomain.. help verify if SSO is leveraging the mydomain defined in your org. If so.. post instance refresh,.. you should be good


Hello!  I've seen this question asked before but am struggling to find a clear response.  We have been using My Domain for a while and use Okta for authentication.  Since our instance already ends with and that is what is used with Okta, should we plan for an alternative way to login once Enhanced Domains is enabled?  I don't want to be locked out of my org but don't want to spend time working through a secondary authentication method if it's unnecessary.  Thank you! #EnhanceDomain #SSO #Salesforce Admin #Salesforce Developer

3 answers
  1. Sep 13, 2023, 6:58 PM

    The answer is Yes & No

    for Sandbox URL will change so an the entity name you need to contact the SSO provider with new details where .sandbox will be appended, for production no impact. Assuming you having a domain name and not using or
