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#Soft Credits0 discussing

This feels like a dumb question, but I can't find an answer anywhere. If the answer is yes, all contact roles trigger a soft credit, is there a way to create one that doesn't? And if the answer is no, where can I find information about which ones do and don't?


#Soft Credits

2 answers
  1. Mar 20, 2024, 11:12 PM



    If you're looking, go to NPSP Settings --> Customizable Roll-ups --> Filter Groups


I'm not loving the way Soft Credits are handled in NPSP. The reporting is somewhat clunky and it's not easy to differentiate between partial and full credit. Every time I think I have it figured out, the data doesn't align. 


I have donors showing up with a Contact Role and therefore seemingly with full soft credit, but there's also a partial soft credit. I want to see donor, opportunity data, soft credit recipient (account or contact) and the soft credit amount (full or partial). This doesn't seem attainable through the Soft Credit set up in NPSP. I have read and reread all the documentation and nothing seems to accomplish what I need.


Has anyone attempted a custom object to pull ALL soft credits into one place? (Partial, Full, Account) Either a Soft Credit object or a Soft Credit opportunity type. I'd have to take a look at all the rollups and reconfigure some system defaults, but with the amount of time I've spent trying to get this in might be worth it in the long run!


Thoughts? Suggestions?

4 answers
On the Contact record page, there is only one Opportunities related list. This list shows all opportunities the contact is related to, regardless of whether they are hard or soft credits in the contact roles for the opportunity. I want to differentiate these on the list, either by adding a list view column that shows the contact role, OR by having two related lists - one for those opportunities where the contact is the Primary Contact on the Opportunity, and one for where the contact is included as a non-primary Contact Role.
10 answers
  1. Jun 15, 2021, 3:09 PM

    I have not done this in a while and not in Lightning ever, but I don't think that will be an issue. You get a related list for every lookup you create. So if you create lookups on the opportunity for Soft Credit and Hard Credit to the contact, you would then get the segmented related list. You can pretty easily set up a flow to populate the appropriate related list when the opp is closed won. There is a slight issue with the contact role bit so you may have to play around a bit more. I have done this to segment different types of opportunities and not SC and HC, so you may have to fiddle, but it is something that may work. Let me know if you have questions.

I have followed the instructions as specified in the -

- at an account level

However, after I save the changes to the page layout, preview it and go back to the opportunity, I don't see the account roll-up fields appear.

What am I doing wrong ?

2 answers
  1. May 20, 2019, 6:07 PM

    @GR Volunteer​ Account Soft Credit rollup fields would appear on the Account record if you've created a Customizable Rollup for them. What fields did you add on Opportunity and what were you expecting to see there? It should be a related list, not a field(s).



We're experiencing an odd issue with Contact Soft Credit Rollups. The rollups are being calculated for a large number of contacts, but not all contacts; the latter group have $0 for their SC totals, despite being confirmed as a Soft Credit role associated with numerous Opps. Their Hard credits, if applicable, appear to be fine.

We have noticed that of the data we have reviewed, all of the Contacts where this issue is present are the same Contact Record Type. But, there are some contacts of this same record type that are rolling up.

Below is addl info:

- Customizable Rollups are enabled

- Filter Group for soft credits does have the role included

- We're certain that the contacts in question are listed as Soft Credit role on Opps

- I've manually triggered the Donations Batch in NPSP Settings

- We do have a large amount of data that is being processed (we're getting an error periodically, only on Contact Soft Credit batch --> System.LimitException: Too many query rows: 50001) *** On this, even though the batch says its complete, is it possible it's not reaching a large number of contacts before the error and therefor its never rolling those up?

Any suggestions are very appreciated! Thank you!

2 answers

Is anyone aware of a conflict of some sort where Partial Soft Credits do not work properly when Customizable Rollups are enabled?

I have CRs enabled. And I'm having a situation where, if a Partial Soft Credit is present on an Opportunity, the Contact Soft Credit Rollups do not roll up properly. If I remove all instances of Partial Soft Credits, and leave only the full amount via Contact Role, the rollups for COntact Soft Credit work.


@Nonprofit Success System Administrators@Nonprofit Hub
3 answers
  1. Apr 15, 2019, 3:29 PM

    @Stephanie Leith​ 

    They work amazingly for my organization. Just make sure the Filter Group for Soft Credits is set up the way you need it to be and also that your Partial Soft Credit Roles are correctly labeled in the records. As Judi mentioned, if you have screenshots then I am sure the community can provide further assistance.


Our organization gets donations from persons who give from both their households and businesses. For tax purposes, we keep their monies separate but when we are prospecting for advancement, we combine the totals of those accounts manually. Because we have multiple channels for transactions, this is something we need to automate. #NPSP #Soft Credits @Nonprofit Success Pack

11 answers

How would you relate a foundation that manages a donor's money to the donor in NPSP? The donation is from the contact, but the donor has a company/foundation that manages their money for them, so sometimes the checks will arrive under the foundations name and sometimes under the Contact's name, but it is the contact giving the donation. How do you insert this relationship into NPSP?

@Nonprofit Success System Get Started Hub
8 answers
  1. Oct 30, 2017, 9:21 PM
    Thanks @Scott Lewis that is what I was seeing as the similarity but @Ben Rosenthal

    I see why my questions might not quite fit the original question of this feed.


    @Kathryn Hodges

    questions and point, we encounter this all the time. Honestly, I haven't found a perfect solution for every case. I did add some fields to the opportunity that help with filtering gifts that into special categories where needed. For instance, we have a checkbox for gifts that need acknowledgment but it's not appropriate to send tax language. I also added a lookup field that references the account that "wrote the check" even if they don't get any credit, which is helpful for the Benevity et. al. cases.

    At least it's good to know lots of us are in the same boat!
