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#SalesforceMVP0 discussing

The MVP Program recognizes the top 1% of our community contributors and engagers. Candidates are nominated three times a year based on the Salesforce release schedule. MVPs exemplify accessibility, knowledge and leadership across multiple social channels that make up the wider community. More information about the MVP Program can be found on or by contacting the Advocacy Program Manager Matt Brown.

Join @Tom Bassett and @Katka Vokrinkova for Be More Salesforce Design.


They discuss the key responsibilities of Salesforce designers, how they collaborate with other roles, and the importance of user adoption. Katka also shares valuable insights on becoming a designer, tips for aspiring professionals, and essential skills needed in the field. Plus, they tackle common design misconceptions and highlight great resources for anyone looking to grow within the Salesforce ecosystem.


Listen via the Audio Podcast Platform of your choice

Watch on YouTube 

@* Salesforce Platform * @Trailblazer Community Cove @* Customer Success * @* Salesforce Developers * @Admin Trailblazers @Consultant Trailblazers @Architect Trailblazers


#Salesforce #Salesforce Platform #DesignersMind #MVP #SalesforceMVP #User Adoption #TrailblazerCommunity #Trailblazer #BeMore


Check out Be More Solution Architect with @Gordon Lee


In this episode we discuss the role of a Solutions Architect in the Salesforce nonprofit sector, emphasizing the importance of trust, collaboration, and soft skills.


Listen via the Audio Podcast Platform of your choice

Watch on YouTube 

#Salesforce #TrailblazerCommunity #MVP #SalesforceMVP #Solution Architects #CRM Configuration #Architecture & Solution Design


@Trailblazer Community Cove @* Salesforce Platform * @* Customer Success *  @Nonprofit Hub


"Unlock the Power of Salesforce: Connect, Collaborate, and Conquer!"

with Chh. Sambhaji Nagar Salesforce developer group.

Now Salesforce community group is in Chh. Sambhaji Nagar (Aurangabad) Maharashtra.

#Salesforce Developer #Trailhead #J2S #Salesforce #Salesforce Admin #Salesforcecommunity #Journey2Salesforce #SalesforceMVP


Leaders : Mr.  Dattatray Kathar & Mr. Kalpesh Ketkar.


@Kalpesh Ketkar @dattatray kathar @Sai Sukesh Gorrepati 


Apply to Become a Trailblazer Community Forum Ambassador


Trailblazer Community Forum Ambassadors are online community superusers recognized for helping others find success with Salesforce by answering product questions, creating helpful content, and sharing best practices in the online Trailblazer Community.


Are you an online community superuser with a passion for maintaining an engaged online Trailblazer Community? Apply to become a Forum Ambassador by July 11, 2024.


➡️ Head to the blog to learn more about the responsibilities and benefits of becoming a Forum Ambassador and apply now!




Learn about how @Sara Hernandez helps get Women into the Salesforce Ecosystem


Be More Women in Tech is available as a YouTube Video here


Also available to stream on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, YouTube Music and Spotify


#Salesforce #MVP #SalesforceMVP #WIT #Trailblazer #TrailblazerCommunity


@* Customer Success * @* Salesforce Platform *


📘新着📘 Salesforce Blog公開📘新着📘 Salesforce Blog公開Salesforce MVPという言葉を聞いたことがある方も多いと思います。グローバルで展開する、「専門知識」、「リーダーシップ」、「寛大さ」をもとに選出される年に一度のTrailblazerの表彰プログラムです。 ただ「実際MVPになるとどうなるの?」「何が変わるの?」とお思いになった方「そもそもどうやってMVPになったの?」と疑問を持たれる方もい

Salesforce MVPという言葉を聞いたことがある方も多いと思います。






この度、Salesforce MVPに選出された3名のTrailblazerへ「実際のところ」を伺いしました!




Blogを読む→【座談会】Salesforce MVP集結。選出されて変わった「私のキャリアとマインドセット」



🌳World Tour Tokyo(6/11-12)TrAIlblazer Forestでお会いましょう

Expo会場で実施するTrAIlblazer Forestでは、Blogに登場するSalesforce MVPのみなさんや、

Trailblazer Communityで活躍するコミュニティメンバーがシアターやワークショップセッションで



*TrAIlblazer Forestは会場開催のみ(オンライン/アーカイブはございません)となります。








#SalesforceMVP@* カスタマーサクセス日本 *


As a #Salesforce Admin you need to be familiar with Reports, Formulas and Validation Rules.


But how do you master this skillset? Watch or Listen Be More Admin Skill Set with @Steve Molis to find out more!


Watch on YouTube


Listen on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Spotify and more!


#SalesforceAdmin #Trailblazer #TrailblazerCommunity #Reports #Formulas #ValidationRule #MVP #SalesforceMVP #AwesomeAdmin


@* Customer Success * @Trailblazer Community Cove @* Salesforce Platform * 


Hello @* Success - Français *


Avez-vous bien pris votre billet pour #FTD23 ?


FrenchTouchDreamin c'est l'événement Français qui se déroule à Paris, et durant lequel vous pourrez assister à de nombreuses sessions autour des solutions #Salesforce ou même des retours d'expérience.


Au programme:

👉 Une Keynote d'ouverture avec un Guest et un sujet ... (no spoil)

👉 40 sessions avec des speakers internationaux

👉 Une Keynote de fermeture

👉 Des quizz et des goodies (oui Astro et ses amis seront de la partie)

👉 Un moment de Networking avec vos paires

👉 De nombreux ISV pour vous présenter leur solution


On se retrouve dans 2 semaines 😉


Détails et inscription :


#Ohana #Trailhead #Trailblazer #TrailblazerCommunity #SalesforceMVP

1 comment

Reminder: Nominate a Salesforce MVP by November 12 🏆


Do you know a passionate product expert and community leader who goes above and beyond to help others succeed with Salesforce? ✅ 


⭐ Now’s the time to honor them!


⏰ Submit your Salesforce MVP Class of 2024 nominations by November 12!   


➡️ Head to the blog to learn more about the Salesforce MVP nomination process and share this click-to-tweet to encourage others to do the same!


#Trailhead #TrailblazerCommunity #SalesforceMVP
