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#Salesforce Labs3 discussing

Salesforce Labs is a program that lets engineers, professional services staff and other employees share AppExchange apps they've created with the customer community. Inspired by employees' work with customers of all sizes and industries, these apps range from simple utilities to entire vertical solutions. Salesforce Labs apps are free to use, but are not official products, and should be considered community projects - these apps are not officially tested or documented. For help on any Salesforce Labs app please consult the Salesforce message boards - support is not available for these applications. Questions? Please visit

Reviews on expense tracker

indicate that employees have to round expenses up to the nearest dollar.  Wondering if that's still the case today.  Many thanks for any input! 


#Salesforce Labs

1 answer
  1. Feb 13, 7:12 PM



    The good news is that Salesforce has addressed this in recent updates. If you're on a newer version, check your Field Settings for the Amount field. It should now support decimals, but you might need to adjust the field type in Setup -> Object Manager -> Expense -> Fields and Relationships. If it's still set to Integer, switching it to Currency or Number (with decimal places) should fix it.   


    That said, if you're using a managed package version of the app from the AppExchange, updates might not apply automatically. In that case, check with your Salesforce admin or see if there's an updated version available.  


    Hope this helps!


Cross posting hoping this will catch someone's attention.


We have recently installed the File Management App from Salesforce Labs and a critical field is missing: Classification. Not being able to use this field renders the app useless for us. This field and categorization are mentioned in the demo so we are not sure what is going on--was it missed in the managed package? Does anyone have familiarity with this app? If we could use this it would solve hours of homegrown development time for us and solve for a major file security request.


#Salesforce Labs  #App Excahange

1 answer
2 answers
  1. Sep 12, 2018, 1:15 PM
    Hi Santy,

    I trust you are doing very well.

    The Global Search helps you search all standard and custom objects, Articles, Documents, Products, Solutions, Chatter, Chatter feeds, Files, Groups, Topics, People, etc.

    Global Search gives you results by keeping the record of which objects you use, how frequently you use them and arranges the search results based on that information. This means that the records you most frequently search on and view are shown at the top of the list.

    Please refer to the below links which might help you further.

    I hope it helps you.

    Kindly let me know if it helps you and close your query by marking it as solved so that it can help others in future.

    Thanks and Regards,

    Khan Anas

Do you consider using Org Check at your company or your customer but need to present the app to a board before installing it?

>> Check our presentation deck at #Salesforce Labs

Hello, we have recently installed the File Management App from Salesforce Labs and a critical field is missing: Classification. Not being able to use this field renders the app useless for us. It is also mentioned in the demo so we are not sure what is going on--was it missed in the managed package? Does anyone have familiarity with this app? If we could use this it would solve hours of homegrown development time for us and solve for a major file security request.




#Salesforce Labs  #Appexchage Apps


I want to use Query Studio. My company uses salesforce,but Salesforcelabs is not supported. I have not been able to implement it due to concerns about security. To begin with,I don’t know what kind of community Salesforcelabs is. I want to eliminate this anxiety.


#Salesforce Labs

2 answers
  1. Apr 29, 2024, 4:27 PM

    Hello @kazuki yamada, this is a valid concern and I appreciate you bringing this inquiry. Salesforce Labs is an internal program that enables Salesforce personnel to build and contribute to AppExchange. Salesforce Labs apps are thoroughly tested for security, and undergo the exact same security review process as our ISV partners. However, they are NOT officially QA tested or supported the way official Salesforce apps are.  We actually just released a trailhead module that goes into more detail of how we work, which you can find here:


    I hope this provides some clarification on your concerns. Salesforce Labs apps are safe to use, but maintenance and updates vary based on the individual app and app manager. Happy to answer any more questions if you need additional insight!


I am using the Managed Package, Enhanced Lightning Grid, from Salesforce Labs within our clients' org. We have used this many times within record page layouts without any issues. The client has requested to show a subset of cases within the customer portal, and since we already had this package installed, we wanted to use this component. I created the new record for the case object with the appropriate filters and assigned the profile the correct access to the APEX class, sdgController.


For some reason, when the community user logs in, the component doesn't render and errors out. I have done some digging, and those notes are posted in this GIT hub issue.


I am not sure if anyone else has run into this issue and was able to resolve this, but any help would be much appreciated. 


Thanks, Andy

2 answers
  1. Apr 26, 2024, 4:30 PM

    Did anyone ever find the solution this this?  I'm having the exact same problem

4 answers
  1. Mar 25, 2024, 1:17 AM
    Seems nobody will give it. However I saw someone posting in Google that they will sell for a certain amount of money. However, I have that link/url.
I have been configuring the SalesforceLabs Enhanced Data Grid app and its gone well so far. However I am struggling to work out how to pass a value from the parent record into the payload of e.force:createRecord action.

My payload is as follows:


"recordTypeId" : "0124J0000009Y2pQAE",

"defaultFieldValues" : {"Session__c":"⌗parentrecordId⌗", "Start_date_time__c" : "⌗Session__c.In_Form__Start_date_time__c⌗", "End_date_time__c" : "⌗Session__c.In_Form__End_date_time__c⌗"}}

I get the right entity, the right Record Type and the right Session value. However the date/time fields don't get populated.

The user guide has the example of creating a Contact record from the Account parent and it reads...

"⌗AnyAPIName⌗ - replaced with corresponding value from row (as long as it’s in the fields displayed). Eg ⌗Account.LastModifiedBy.Name⌗"

Which is a bit confusing because how can the field from the parent object be displayed in the row (which by definition is the child)!

Can anyone help?
6 answers
  1. Mar 21, 2024, 5:20 PM

    Not able to Map Account Custom Field on Lead Object in SDG mapping on Event in Event Payload


    Can anyone tell how to refer custom field from lead object

I installed Enhanced Lightning Grid ( from the AppExchange.

As you can see from their User Guide (, this adds an App to the org that is named "Sortable Data Grids" where one may configure data grids of objects by using a filter, and by adding fields and actions to each grid.

I am trying to figure out which actions can I use, and what is the correct way to use them

There is a help page that states the following: 


PURPOSE: Fully qualified event name. Component is only able to throw global events and evtObjectManager events. If you want to use another event, then raise an evtObjectManager event and catch the payload.

EXAMPLES: e.force.editRecord,  e.c:evtObjectManager

  • What are global events? 
  • What are evtObjectManager events?

In Sortable Data Grids/Enhanced Lightning Grids - what actions can I use?Help Contents

3 answers
  1. Jun 28, 2023, 3:17 PM
    I've made some progress, managing to trigger a flow from a Row Action button. Here is what I did: 

    In developer console:

    • File > New > Lightning Event > I named it myEvent, and this is the .evt file contents:

    <aura:event type="APPLICATION" access="global">

    <aura:attribute name="recordId" type="string" />


    • File > New > Lightning Component > I named it myComponent. This is the contents of the .cmp file:




    <aura:handler event="c:myEvent" action="{!c.handleApplicationEvent}"/>

    <lightning:flow aura:id="myFlowContainer"/>


    • This is the contents of the Controller.js file:


    handleApplicationEvent: function (cmp, event) {

    var flow = cmp.find("myFlowContainer");

    var inputVariables = [


    name : "recordId",

    type : "String",

    value : event.getParam("recordId")



    flow.startFlow("My_Flow_API_Name", inputVariables );



    • Note that my flow has an input variable of type record, named "recordId".

    In Lightning app builder I created an App Page that contains the Enhanced Lightning Grid and an instance of "myComponent".

    The ELG has a Row Button Action with Event = e.c:myEvent and Payload = {"recordId": "⌗id⌗"}. 

    • Note that the payload should correspond to the attributes in the aura:event

    Result: After clicking the button, the flow runs, and the myComponent displays a box with the flow name as the title and "YOUR FLOW FINISHED" as the body. 
