Idea Exchange Post - Experience Builder Rich Content Editor Enhancements
EDIT: The idea I posted got merged with an existing one. I've posted both URLs, but there is only one you can vote on now.
New URL (can vote on this one)
Old URL (this is now archived)
--- previous post ---
Hi everyone, I've added an idea to Idea Exchange to enhance Experience Builder's Rich Content Editor component. It feels very outdated and is missing a lot of features. If you could take a look and upvote if you agree that would be wonderful!
Here's what's in the idea:
Color Picker
- Theme Colors: Include colors from theme settings, similar to PowerPoint, where theme colors are shown with various shades in the color picker.
- Manual Color Selection: Allow manual color selection using color codes like hex, rgba, etc.
- Theme Fonts: Offer fonts from the theme settings as default options in the font selector.
- Full Font Selection: Allow us to choose from all fonts available in the theme settings.
Heading Levels & HTML Semantics
- Heading Levels: The LWR version currently allows only font size selection, not heading levels, which removes semantics and accessibility from the text. Please bring back the option to select heading levels.
- Content Record Semantics: When content with heading levels is saved in a CMS content record, those semantics are stripped out in the Experience Builder’s rich content field. This should be fixed.
- Allow images pasted into the editor to stay visible after exiting the editor. Currently, pasted images disappear once you leave the editor.
Markdown Support
- Enable markdown syntax formatting to streamline adding structure to content. This would also require bringing back HTML semantics for full compatibility.
- Include expressions in the “Add a Link” modal, allowing users to easily link to specific pages within the site without manually entering the full URL.
Merge Fields
- Add a menu button to insert merge fields, making it easier to display dynamic content without memorizing expressions.
Code View
- Offer a code view mode to allow basic HTML elements for enhanced content customization—this is a standard feature on many CMS platforms.