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#List View3 discussing

i want to set the color based picklist values in a list view in a there any way to set the color to values based on the conditions with out customization. 


#Forum Post  #List View  #Customize List Views

2 answers
  1. Manoj Nambirajan (Dell Technologies) Forum Ambassador
    Feb 6, 8:29 AM

    @Pandi Gopalakrishna either we go with reports where color assigned to picklist values can be seen.. OR create a formula field which will display color based on picklist value. You can have the color image stored in static resource and refer them in formula


Not sure if this the right place to post this - please tag other groups if you know who else might be able to weigh in. I have enabled #Multi-column sort and the icon is available in the list views for many objects - standard and custom. But not for Products. Do we know why?


#Winter25 #New Releases #List View 

6 answers

This is only happening on Mobile App.

I have a Web Tab which has a list view for an object . 


On Mobile - the behavior is that the List View shows the filter and sort signs but nothing happens on clicking the Filter .

Although navigating the same List View via Object Tab - makes the Filter work. 


Has anyone faced this issue ?


#List View  #Mobile Application Salesforce



Do you know if it is possible to use tags or topics to filter list views (especially for cases)?

If yes, how to proceed?

Thanks for your help

#Trailhead #List View #Topic #CaseManagment

3 answers

So, it's been a while since I've posted about this @Michael Orr, @Andrew Cafourek.  Has there been any update regarding lookup fields working on mobile using the lightning:inputField component?  It's really becoming a major issue to have lookups that behave as text fields (which is not useful) on a mobile or tablet.  Do you know when this massive issue is going to be fixed?


Also, any word on when we will be able to add a lightning component to a list view in lightning communities?


These issues are costing us too many hours and too many high-value customers.




  1. Jun 5, 2023, 6:04 PM

    So, my custom look up to contact field on my custom object works great on the desktop but cannot find the same record on the mobile app. Is this a "known issue"? I guess the workaround is to look up the contact first and create the custom object record from there. SMH


Hi All,

I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I'm not sure on the latest state of what is possible.

In the Field Service mobile app, under the inventory menu, the app displays Product Items with a Quantity of 0 (Zero).

I get why this is there. I get why I wouldn't go about deleting these, as we'd lose all our auditing information in relation to Product Transfers, and Product Item Transactions.


This is a huge annoyance for our Engineers, as the list of inventory they have in their Location just keeps growing and becomes a pain to find the actual items they have in stock.


Is there a way to filter these, or change the list view for the users?



  1. Nov 2, 2022, 7:23 AM

    @Paul Carass Make sure that you have added location lookup filed in the service resource and enable the location as the inventory and mobile location 


There seems to be an issue with the Delegated Tasks list view in LEX. It does not display all tasks that the user created and delegated to other users in our org. We can't find a consistent pattern as to what will show up on this list view, but I have noticed that adding a contact or account to the task seems to affect the behavior.


Is there any documentation towards how list list view behaves? Also, it seems that it cannot be edited in the same way other standard objects can.


I originally reported this with ticket 17147215


CC: @Bill Holtzman @Anand Rohra @* Lightning Now! * 


Hi All,

We have a requirement to create custom object records from the Work Order list.

So we used the Work Order list views and used a Custom button in the list view and we are calling screen Flows from that it is working fine and creates the custom object record and associates the Work Order. 

But the challenge is after creating the custom record it is not redirecting to the particular record from the list view button in lightning. 

Did anyone had a similar issue with the list view button.


Thanks in Advance

  1. Jun 18, 2021, 6:24 PM
    Hey @Srinivasan Muthu I experienced the same and it looks like it is because when the flow is initiated from the List View it is still running in Classic Runtime and not Lightning Runtime, and therefore the Action would not be supported. In doing some searching I'm not sure it is possible to execute an action like that in Classic Runtime.

Hi All,


is it possible to sort Service Appointments in Recently Viewed List View in mobile app starting from the newest ones?


Thank you,



Hi all,

I need some profiles can create their own List Views but can't edit existing ones.

How can I achieve that?


