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#Lead Conversion1 discussing

Hi Trailblazer Community,


I'm getting this error when converting a lead with Lead Record Type: Roofing.


"The lead conversion failed because the value for the field Roofing_Job_Type__c is invalid. The value comes from the lead field that's mapped to the field Roofing_Job_Type__c. Ask your admin to check the field mappings."


Roofing Job Type is a custom picklist field that has long been mapped to the opportunity field. Until recently, when adding new values to the picklist it has now prompted this error message.


I queried this error on Google and Trailblazer Community and found this article:


I followed all the steps necessary. Making sure that the opportunity custom field is mapped accordingly and that the picklist values for lead and opportunity are identical. What else can I do? it still is showing the error.


I also made sure both are only shown on Roofing lead record type. I know the picklist values that work and that don't... should I delete the values and retry again?
9 answers
  1. Feb 19, 11:19 PM

    For me this case is even more weird there is a  multi select picklist list field called " Brand__c" in account layout however this field doesn't even exist in opportunity/lead/contact object and i am still getting an error saying "The lead conversion failed because the value for the field Brand__c is invalid. The value comes from the lead field that's mapped to the field Brand__c. Ask your admin to check the field mappings." I checked the mappings and there is no such field mapping that can be found in the lead mapping. What could be the issue please help. #Trailhead Challenges#leadconversion #Convert Lead #Flow #Custom Buttons #Multi-picklist Field #TrailblazerCommunity


I'm migrating our Health Cloud org over from using Candidate Patients to using Leads. 


To start, I'm using a test instance of a Lead object that I created using the "New" button the Leads list view.  When I select "Convert to Patient" from the list view and run through the 3 conversion wizard steps, I get a generic error: "Patient conversion failed.  Try again or contact your Salesforce admin for help" at the end.


To be clear, I haven't (yet) added any custom fields to the Leads object.  I've tried toggling "isMarkedForConversion" to no avail.  I'm just trying to get a minimally working example but can't seem to do so. 


Any thoughts?


Hi Salesforce community,


I'm trying to set up a validation rule to require certain fields to be populated (not blank/null) in order to allow the lead to be converted into an Opportunity of a specific record type. If you see my history of questions, you know validation rules are my Achilles heel :)


Here are the fields on the lead (all are number fields):


Brand_LeadScore__c Budget_LeadScore__c








And the record type label is New Business and ID is 0125f0000008tBuAAI.


Could anyone help with the syntax? Again, those fields need to have a value in them prior to converting the Lead to an Opportunity with Record Type = New Business.


Thanks all!




#Sales Cloud #Validation Rule #Leads #Lead Conversion

2 answers
  1. Nov 8, 2021, 1:55 PM

    Hi Keiji,


    Thanks so much for the suggestion, however it seems that the RecordType.Name reference isn't available within the validation rule builder. The only reference to the future opportunity is ConvertedOpportunityId but we can't reference any fields through it. I think I have a potential workaround though - since these scoring fields also exist on the New Business Opportunity, could you help me structure the VR to exist on the New Business Opportunity instead?


    Basically, just want to require these fields to be populated when Opportunity.RecordType.Name = "New Business". I think that will meet this requirement since Opp's being created on their own is no different from when they are created from the conversion of a Lead.


    All the best and thank you again!




Hello Salesforce pros,


Our metrics are off in Lead with Converted lead information report because we have opportunities which were generated from inbound leads but those were never actually converted.  I would like to convert those leads subsequently to correct the metrics. However, when I convert the Lead, I can choose the Existing account, however, it does not find and let me choose the Opportunity which is already closed lost.  Does SF prevent doing that? Is there a work around to that to convert a lead to an already closed lost Opportunity? Perhaps updates could be done in work bench?  Thanks, 


#Leads  #Lead Conversions  #Lead Conversion  #Sales Cloud

2 answers
  1. Nov 1, 2021, 6:16 PM

    Hello Vuk,  So I tried setting the Opp back into a stage and with that the Opportunity appears in the Lead conversion window where I can choose it successfully... The problem with this approach is that it messes around with other metrics relating to Time-Stamp of date opp is closed lost or last stage date but updating it... So it needs to be corrected subsequently back to the original dates.  We only have a handful of validation rules on the Opp object and they are relating to required fields but not preventing any changes after Opp is Closed.


What's the best way to mass convert Leads into Contacts? 

I only substantially less contacts (around 1,600). 

My Lead records don't have notes, activities or any related records. 

Please advise. 

1 comment

Hi, we use the same "talk to an expert" form at the bottom of multiple pages on our website. How do I track to find out which page a lead converted on? 

1 comment
  1. May 2, 2021, 12:36 PM
    Is the form a Pardot form inside of an iframe? If so you can add a hidden field to your form (I call mine Conversion Page), and then append that field name with a value to the end of the form url that is the source of the iframe. This can be done manually, or you can use a bit of JavaScript to grab the page title or something. So if your form url is then it goes like this:

Hello everyone, I have a question about setting up conversion rate as a metric and tracking the dollar value of our Emails sent from the journeys in the Marketing Cloud. How can we make that possible? All our data comes from SF and synched to MC. When I pull up the journey reports, it always shows as 0 ( Conversion Rate and total conversion) ##Journey Builder #Lead Conversion #Trail Tracker Reporting #Website Tracking #Conversion Rate 

  1. Mar 8, 2021, 8:19 AM
    I am not aware of any other option, that allows to import "external data" (though you have a MC connector with SF) and use the inbuild MC reporting features. The other way around might work, if you create a custom Salesforce report within SF, that tracks mail sends and conversions based and your setup per account/contact/lead.

Hey everyone,


I am trying to create a new account in my sandbox to test some duplicate and matching rules for lead conversion into new contacts or adding to an existing contact.


But when I click to create a new account, I get asked to create a 'remote site setting' ... I have no idea what this is or why I am being asked to create this.

Does anyone know what I need to do here?


Ultimately I want to block duplicate contacts and leads from being created. I am exploring other options beyond matching and duplicate rules as they don't always work or catch everything 100% of the time.


Thanks :)


Bonjour la communauté, 

et à tous une très bonne nouvelle année 2021 ! 

Petite question sur les pistes et la gestion des doublons,  autant je comprends qu'il y ait un message bloquant si on essaye de convertir une piste qui correspond à un compte existant (base nom du compte) mais il y a aussi une contrainte sur le nom du contact, hors que faire avec les homonymes ?   a-t-on la main pour permettre de créér un nouveau contact tout de même ? 

merci d'avance pour vos lumières !



Hello folks!

I hope you are doing well.

A quick question about Lead Conversion through the "Convert Lead" activity in Journey Builder: what is the workaround to convert a Lead into a Person Account?

Thank you in advance for your help.


