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#Error1 discussing

Does anyone know what this error message means on the Gannt chart? "You reached the maximum number of times you can check rules. Some of your services weren't validated." I imagine it literally means that Service appointments are being scheduled without checking against work rules? I'd also like to know how to resolve it. Thank you! #Field Service #FSL Gantt #Error

6 answers
  1. Jan 6, 10:36 PM

    Hello, we've encountered this same error message as well - any solution for this or idea why we may have received the message? Thanks!


I am working on some flows and I wanted to use the improved Simple Email action to send emails if there is an error, however, I am having some issues when I try to set the "Recipient Address List" option.  It looks I can set a comma delimited list, however, I want the email to be sent to a shared email account we have.  Something like errors[at]  And I have never been able to get it to work in Test.  Does the recipient address have to be a user in SF itself?  I don't want that because it's an error and I want it to be send by or errors email because its scalable.  So just curious of any limitations on the recipients.


#Flow #Error #Email

4 answers
  1. Oct 17, 2024, 12:30 PM

    @Steven Trumble - it appears to be working now, I created a simple flow to test. So I am going to try it back in the main flow I was using.  The only thing I did differently was I created an email collection variable and used that instead of just the recipient id.  


    It did work using debug though.  


    But that is something I will look at closer.


🤔Wondering how to create a Custom Summary Formula to return period-over-period data comparisons within a report?


Click below to learn more!

Calculate Year-over-Year (YoY) or Quarter-over-Quarter (QoQ) in reports

  1. Oct 11, 2024, 5:54 AM

    Thanks so much for this, it's a great guide. I've set up a report to show annual percentage changes, but can only get it for with the Row Group or the Column Group. Is there a way to show the percentage changes for both the Row Group and Column Group?


Has anyone seen the following error when trying to create an Org Shape from Production?


ERROR running force:org:shape:create:  sObject type 'DevHubSettings' is not supported.

  1. Sep 4, 2024, 9:42 AM

    Old post but having the same issue today.

    Having DevHub org set up for org shape creation.


    sf org create shape --target-org SWDevHub

    with SWDevHub being the Dev Hub alias.


    The error returned is:

    Error (1): sObject type 'DevHubSettings' is not supported.



Pardot Ask the Expert Office Hours- PREMIER ONLY- 2-3pm EST Tuesday session: Please know this session is reserved for Pardot Premier Customers only.


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@Kayla Curry @Paige Wittmer and I will be hosting our session today starting at 2pm EST. Please post your Pardot best practice and strategy questions in this thread with the #AskAPardotExpert hashtag so we can go through them during the call. It will be first come first serve on this post. Speak with you all shortly!   


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I am running a screen flow and need to lookup contacts for a specific account which is selected

by user via a lookup component on screen 1.

The AccountId for the selected account is stored in a variable, HouseholdID.

The contact lookup is on screen 2.  I am using the Lookup component found under the Custom section of Elements so I can use the Query Condition feature to specify the selected account.

However when I run the flow in debug mode the contact lookup field presents with #ERROR.


Trying to look up contacts for a specific account selected by user in a screen flow

The Query Condition specified is AccountId = {!HouseholdID}

If I take out the variable reference and replace with an existing AccountId , for example

AccountId = '0012L000015DX3tQAG'

it works fine as the next screen snapshot shows.


Lookup OK.jpg

I confirmed the variable contains the correct value.  It’s displayed on screen 2 (highlighted above) and also populates a field in a record that is created in a Create Records step. It just doesn't seem to work when I reference it in the Query Condition parameter of the Lookup component.

This is what the Lookup component for Contact looks like:


Lookup Component.jpg


I also specified AccountId = {!HouseholdID} in field o. Drop Down Query

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

I've attached additional details that might be of help.


#Screen Flow

Thanks in advance for your assistance!

6 answers
  1. Nov 10, 2021, 9:08 PM

    I've done this using a Get Records element. In it I'd use your query, basically, show me contacts who's AccountId = HouseholdId and store that in a record choice. When it comes to your lookup, it would look at the record choice selections and should contain all contacts related to that account. 


Hello!  My org uses SSO with Delegated Authentication.  Some users randomly report receiving an error when logging in: "We can't log you in because of an issue with single sign on."  Looking into the Delegated Authentication Error History, all it says is "".  Other users with SSO enabled do not see the error.  This can happen while on the company network or VPN.  Any advice is appreciated as I'm new to SSO authentication.




Having a issue to have #Error! value in my report. 

This field is date Formula field, which extracts value from text field, only when it has date.

No syntax error and every thing seems fine even in query. 

But in report, some values shows  #Error! instead of null... I think the formula is fine and have no other idea to rewrite it.  How can I resolve this issue? 

The one thing I find is,  #Error! displays when the source field has numbers with ")". 



AND( NOT(ISBLANK(Response__c)), 

LEN(Response__c) = 10, 

VALUE(LEFT(Response__c, 4)) > 0, 

VALUE(MID(Response__c, 6, 2)) > 0, 

VALUE(MID(Response__c, 6, 2)) <= 12, 

VALUE(RIGHT(Response__c, 2)) > 0, 

VALUE(RIGHT(Response__c, 2)) <= 31 ), 

DATE( VALUE(LEFT(Response__c,4)), VALUE(MID(Response__c,6,2)), VALUE(RIGHT(Response__c,2)) ), null)



7 answers
  1. Feb 28, 2024, 8:33 AM

    @Luna Cho

    The CONTAINS function checks if the first text string contains the second text string and returns TRUE if it does. Your intent to use NOT(CONTAINS(Response__c ,")")) is to ensure that the Response__c field does not contain a closing parenthesis, which could cause the VALUE function to fail.


In a sandbox, I deactivated the monthly value from the installment period field picklist to test if a recurring donation could be created without setting a day of the month if monthly were not available as a picklist option.  When NPSP simply required an annual value instead, I reactivated monthly and moved it to the top of the picklist values. However, it does not show on record creation in the picklist values. Even if I set it as default, refresh the screen, and log out and back in it does not show.


How can I get monthly to show in the picklist values again on the record creation page?


#Enhanced Recurring Donations #Error

2 answers
  1. Dec 30, 2023, 12:47 AM

    Ha @Mahogany Lore, MLIS I deleted my comment accidentally because I thought I put it on the wrong post... was just about to put it back when you replied. Glad you caught it before my oops and it resolved your issue. :-)


Error Type: Future method error

Error Date: 2023-12-15 20:50:09

Message: "First error: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW, unable to obtain exclusive access to this record or 5 records: 0063a00000iBAsiAAG,006UO000000sriTYAQ,006UO000001JiROYA0,006UO000001JroxYAC,006UO000001JroyYAC: []"

Context: npsp__ACCT_AccountMerge_TDTM.handleAccountMergeFixupsFuture


Stack Trace:


#NPSP #Error

5 answers
  1. Dec 16, 2023, 6:03 PM

    The error is referring to Opportunity records. 


    And it's firing when something is being *inserted* (Created), not deleted or updated.


    If you're merging Account records, that means that related Opportunities are being reparented to the new (to them) Account record. Then afterwards, the "losing" Account with no attached Opportunities or records is deleted. 


    But that's not where the problem is. Check other triggers, code, flows, etc. that could be firing when an Opportunity is updated. Something there may be trying to insert a new record (no idea what) and related it to an opportunity. But if the accounts you're merging have a lot of related Opportunities, this is happening all at once and depending on what that is, could be causing a row lock.


    NPSP is reporting that the merge had a problem, but as is often case, the trigger handler that NPSP has that resolves things like Contact Roles and orphaned Households on Account merges is reporting the error - not the cause of it. You'll have to dig a bit deeper. Or perhaps manually update the Opportunities to the "winning" account then merge? Not sure. It will depend on the data involved.


    One thing you might try is getting a debug log and then try and merge the Accounts again. The log may at least show you what's firing and when.
