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#Email Template14 discussing

Hi Trailblazers! 


We have a feedback survey that we ask people to complete in the final 5 minutes of a course.  

Prior to the course, we email the survey link to our trainer via Salesforce so they can share the url at the end. The survey tool we use is separate from Salesforce, but we have it integrated, so that information from the course record can be pulled in to 'Hidden Value Actions' on the survey (ie: date, org name, course number, etc.) 

Each survey response is tied to the course record. In the email template we use to send the trainer, it has a merge code at the end of the hyperlinked URL (ie: ?id={!Object__c.Id}) so that it pulls the details needed from that record id into the back end of the survey. This works well for our Virtual courses, but not for In Person courses. We'd love to send the trainer a QR code to share in class. This is where it gets tricky...It still needs to be tied to that record id, so that the required details from the course record pull into the 'hidden value actions' therefore that merge code is still required at the end of the URL.  


Unfortunately the support team of the survey tool confirmed while that's a clever idea, they don't support that kind of functionality with their native QR code feature for their surveys.  

So does anyone know of any tools or apps (free or very low cost...we're Non Profit) where Salesforce generates a QR code for the link and retains the merge code and functionality so that when someone scans the code, it still ties to the specific record id? Ideally, we'd still like to have an email template to send the QR Code, but if it means having a formula field with QR Generator and have the ability to download it and share  - that could work too. PS: I'm not a developer nor do we have one, so low-to-no code would be best.  






#Integration  #Surveys  #Email Template  #Mergecode  #QR Codes

1 answer
  1. Feb 28, 9:16 PM
    I recommend

    since it's free and quite reliable.

    Create a formula field on your object and return type should be text

    In the formula editor, construct the URL for the QR code image by embedding the necessary merge fields. Formula example: IMAGE(


    " &


    " & Id & "&date=" & TEXT(Course_Date__c) & "&orgName=" & Organization_Name__c,

    "QR Code"


    This formula constructs a URL that includes the course ID, date, and organization name as query parameters, which your survey tool can process to populate hidden fields.

    Create or edit the email template you use to send information to your trainers.

    Insert the newly created formula field into the template to display the QR code image.

    Make sure your email template is in HTML format to render the image correctly.

    Refer to the link for more in depth explanation

Hi everyone,

We’re currently in the process of setting up Marketing Cloud Advanced and want to create and manage various email templates for our campaigns. However, we’re having trouble finding clear documentation or guidance on:

1. Where to create or manage email templates within Marketing Cloud Advanced.

2. The best practices for designing reusable and dynamic templates.

Any tips, resources, or step-by-step instructions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help!

#Marketing Cloud #Email Template
7 answers
  1. François Perret (Bamsoo) Forum Ambassador
    Jan 18, 10:15 AM

    @Patrik Lundgren


    Yep, but you can do to the CMS directly (Content > Choose Workspace > +Add Content) and clone an existing Email from there. 

    If creating the Email from a Campaign, there a proposed starting point which you can use (by the way you can changes default images by overwriting them in the CMS, they are called Default...), or can can replace them with a new one. If you previously created the Email from the CMS, as I suggested above, you can use Replace with existing and choose your Email.

Hello All: I need to come up with a way to update a field based on the Conga email template sent and I am stumped. I know you can have the "master field set" on a doc template but not an Conga email template. Here is the scenario: I will have 3-4 email templates to choose from and from those emails I need to set one picklist field a different value for each email template. That field will in turn trigger a different workflow rule. Any ideas?
  1. Jan 30, 11:41 AM

    Hi Hayley 


    is this possible to use classic email for send email with multiple attachment ?. I try with using apex code , unable to send correct email body. It showing ???? 


    you have any idea please share with me .Much appreciate Here. 





I have an Approval Process. For first step I am not using any Email Template. But for second step I am using Custom Email Template. Now, How can I insert Approval Link in that Email Template. I have already used {!ApprovalRequest.External_URL} and {!ApprovalRequest.Internal_URL}, It throwing error as shown in image. It saying that, "already Responded" but it was not responded by anyone. I think, It giving link for First step of Approval Process when I use above merge fields. But I need for second step.


Is there any way to implement this ?


#Approval Process #Email #Classic Email Template #Email Template #Automation #Trailhead

4 answers
  1. Jan 22, 1:24 PM

    What I found is when I looked at the available fields under the Approval object had no Internal or External Links - however I still referenced them in the templates and the Approvals links did show up!


Hi team, I am observing a change in behaviour. When a field {opportunity.Link} is used in email template to include the record link in the email, It worked completely fine. When a partner user clicked on the URL, it would redirect to partner portal page successfully. Till last month it worked fine but this month the URL isn't working and throwing the error. Although the user has access to the record, object and no changes made on the template. May I know if salesforce has introduced anything new related to template URLs? Or is there any other reason?


#Sales Cloud  #Trailhead  #Salesforce Developer  #Email Template  #Salesforce Admin  #Salesforce

2 answers
  1. Jan 7, 6:12 AM

    Hi Harsh,  

    Attached is the screenshot of error.       

    code used as -> URL: {!Opportunity.Link}  , this has link as <domainname>/<Opportunityid>  which redirected the partner currently till december but its creating issue now.




Hola grupo!

Estoy explorando la funcionalidad de Google Annotations para mis emails , y si bien logré configurar los parámetros y que estos se levanten en el preview tool que nos facilita Google, no estoy muy seguro cuál es la mejor forma de testear el mensaje .

Entiendo que no siempre se renderizará la annotation, pero ¿conocen alguna manera que les haya funcionado para testear?

Gracias !

#Marketing Cloud #Email Marketing #Email Template #Google

This is driving us mad that simple spell check functionality is not working when composing emails on Salesforce. I tried to check on Chrome settings and everything looks fine. Is there a hack for this? 

Any help is greatly appreciated. 

Thank you, 



#Email Template  #Spell Check  #Sales Cloud  #Service Cloud  #Trailhead  #Automation

3 answers
  1. Oct 11, 2021, 2:30 PM


    My team are experiencing the same issue, this is the workaround I found via the release notes, sorry not the best but better than nothing.   If the user holds down Ctrl when right clicking on a misspelled word they will see the usual spellcheck/browser menu.

UPFC 55487 asked in #Flow

I have an Email template created which I later use in a flow as an Email Action (not an Email Alert). The template uses the merge fields {{{Sender.FirstName}}} {{{Sender.LastName}}}.


However, I am not sure how SF is defining who the sender of the email is because in the flow I am sending this email to a lead that is always assigned to USER A. The flow is created by USER B.


The email action settings are defined so that the "Sender Email Address" is the owner of the lead (his mail is assigned as an organization wide address).

The name of the sender is coming in okay on the email sent, but the merge field from the Email template are not.

The merge fields is picking up the first name and the user that created the lead and the flow (this is an admin user and the lead creation is with a third party integration).


Can this be modified or fixed so that {{{Sender.FirstName}}} {{{Sender.LastName}}} pickup the name of the lead owner? Thank you!


#Flow  #Email Template  #Mail Merge Field

3 answers

Interesting request from a user to have a new tab listing Email templates.

What would the rules that may apply to email templates to say that they are bad?

Not used in flows or in workflows?

What else?

Please see the related item in the backlog: #Org Health Check #Email Template #Lightning Email Template #Classic Email Template #HTML Email Template
3 answers
  1. Sep 27, 2024, 5:35 PM


    I would say two different tabs as Classic should phase out at some point and the setup for them are backend vs front end. 

    -There is also the Lighting Builder for Lighting Templates that crosses with Account Engagement. 


    The rules we started with to say "is it used?" 

    1. Is the object it referenced used (last created and modified date of the last records)

    2. Is it referenced in any automation, if yes, do we ever hit the criteria of it anymore? 

    If no, we look at the sent tracker but I know this isnt 100% accurate. 

    3. We review for Branding guidelines. Is the logo in the template current or old? 

    4. When was it created, by who, are they still here? 

    5. Who has access to the template. 


    Once I have a list of ones that meet the criteria, I start sending it out. We deactivate, wait a period of time for someone to ask where it is, then delete when we are confident it isnt used. 



    I think the tool should see all templates by default as some users create personal email templates that do not meet brand standards. The folder/is it private should be a column so that as an admin I can ID them to be deleted and the user coached if needed. If they are useful, then we can migrate them to something all users can use. 


Hi everyone, recently I had a tricky requirement to solve in Salesforce Experience Cloud. I was preparing this material some time ago and wanted to share here for who can benefit from it.


Send an email everytime the user finishes reseting the password in an experience cloud portal site 


Salesforce doesn't trigger an event by password set up, only when the reset password form is filled.

The LastPasswordChangeDate field doesn't fire apex triggers, record triggered flows or platform events with detailed payload in case they exist.


Salesforce only sends email when the user asks to reset password in the reset password page.

The field LastPasswordChangeDate can not be used to trigger a flow, platform event or apex trigger as well as some other standard fields like LastLoginDate so we can not rely on this standard field to fire some process to send the email.


The solution involves Scheduled Jobs, Custom Field, Email Template and Custom Settings

  • Create a new custom field to mimic the standard LastPasswordChangeDate in the User object so we can rely on it to compare the last changed password date.
  • Create a new email template to inform the user that his password was correctly set up. 
  • Create an apex scheduler class that will runs from every n minutes to check if the password was changed from the latest n minutes to now. 
  • Create a Custom Setting to store this n minutes so it can be changed manually later by a salesforce admin. 


If the new field is null in the first execution, set it to be the same value as the current LastPasswordChangeDate If the standard LastPasswordChangeDate field is bigger than the new custom field, it means the password was changed, so we can send the email

After that we set the new field to have the same value of the standard field, so it will fire only once as needed.

Abort the job and reschedule itself to run in the next n minutes, so you will always have only one instance of the pending job to run and not hit the 100 queued jobs limit.

Doing this way we avoid filling the jobs pending queue which has a small limit compared if we are setting all the jobs needed to run throughout the day.

For a more detailed explanation and code reference, I stored everything in this repository on GitHub:


#Experience Cloud  #Salesforce Developer  #Email Template  #Change My Password
