Hi Trailblazers!
We have a feedback survey that we ask people to complete in the final 5 minutes of a course.
Prior to the course, we email the survey link to our trainer via Salesforce so they can share the url at the end. The survey tool we use is separate from Salesforce, but we have it integrated, so that information from the course record can be pulled in to 'Hidden Value Actions' on the survey (ie: date, org name, course number, etc.)
Each survey response is tied to the course record. In the email template we use to send the trainer, it has a merge code at the end of the hyperlinked URL (ie: ?id={!Object__c.Id}) so that it pulls the details needed from that record id into the back end of the survey. This works well for our Virtual courses, but not for In Person courses. We'd love to send the trainer a QR code to share in class. This is where it gets tricky...It still needs to be tied to that record id, so that the required details from the course record pull into the 'hidden value actions' therefore that merge code is still required at the end of the URL.
Unfortunately the support team of the survey tool confirmed while that's a clever idea, they don't support that kind of functionality with their native QR code feature for their surveys.
So does anyone know of any tools or apps (free or very low cost...we're Non Profit) where Salesforce generates a QR code for the link and retains the merge code and functionality so that when someone scans the code, it still ties to the specific record id? Ideally, we'd still like to have an email template to send the QR Code, but if it means having a formula field with QR Generator and have the ability to download it and share - that could work too. PS: I'm not a developer nor do we have one, so low-to-no code would be best.
#Integration #Surveys #Email Template #Mergecode #QR Codes
I recommend goQR.me since it's free and quite reliable.
Create a formula field on your object and return type should be text
In the formula editor, construct the URL for the QR code image by embedding the necessary merge fields. Formula example: IMAGE(
https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=150x150&data=" &
https://your-survey-link.com?courseId=" & Id & "&date=" & TEXT(Course_Date__c) & "&orgName=" & Organization_Name__c,
"QR Code"
This formula constructs a URL that includes the course ID, date, and organization name as query parameters, which your survey tool can process to populate hidden fields.
Create or edit the email template you use to send information to your trainers.
Insert the newly created formula field into the template to display the QR code image.
Make sure your email template is in HTML format to render the image correctly.
Refer to the link for more in depth explanation