Hi All,
I have created a custom lookup for the user and I can get any object but a single object but I need to have an option for the object selection like the below screenshot. I also found the design on the lightning design system but I'm not sure how to achieve this because there is no JS . please guide
here is the link for custom lookup with multi-entity: https://www.lightningdesignsystem.com/components/lookups/?variant=listbox#site-main-content
#LWC Development #Custom Lookup #Salesforce Developer #Ask An Expert #AskTheTrailblazer
2 answers
Dumb question… does the field itself reference the missing object? This is an activity field? Is the Field pictured WhatId? and can you select the custom object on a standard layout? Do you have permissions to view the object and fields? In the old days - if you deployed fields from code, no perms were granted - so that is another place to check. (If you created a permission set - is it assigned to you/the user you are testing as?)