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#Convert Lead1 discussing

Hi Trailblazer Community,


I'm getting this error when converting a lead with Lead Record Type: Roofing.


"The lead conversion failed because the value for the field Roofing_Job_Type__c is invalid. The value comes from the lead field that's mapped to the field Roofing_Job_Type__c. Ask your admin to check the field mappings."


Roofing Job Type is a custom picklist field that has long been mapped to the opportunity field. Until recently, when adding new values to the picklist it has now prompted this error message.


I queried this error on Google and Trailblazer Community and found this article:


I followed all the steps necessary. Making sure that the opportunity custom field is mapped accordingly and that the picklist values for lead and opportunity are identical. What else can I do? it still is showing the error.


I also made sure both are only shown on Roofing lead record type. I know the picklist values that work and that don't... should I delete the values and retry again?
9 answers
  1. Feb 19, 11:19 PM

    For me this case is even more weird there is a  multi select picklist list field called " Brand__c" in account layout however this field doesn't even exist in opportunity/lead/contact object and i am still getting an error saying "The lead conversion failed because the value for the field Brand__c is invalid. The value comes from the lead field that's mapped to the field Brand__c. Ask your admin to check the field mappings." I checked the mappings and there is no such field mapping that can be found in the lead mapping. What could be the issue please help. #Trailhead Challenges#leadconversion #Convert Lead #Flow #Custom Buttons #Multi-picklist Field #TrailblazerCommunity


Suddenly, clicking "Convert" on a Lead gives users and system administrators "Check Your Permissions

You don't have the necessary access to use this feature. Please check with your Salesforce Administrator." Convert button is using VF page npsp__LD_LeadConvertOverride, which the profile has access to. The only thing that changed that I know of is that we were switched to Spring '24.


#NPSP #Nonprofit Success Pack #Leads #Lead Conversions #Convert Lead #Convert Button

13 answers
  1. Feb 13, 2024, 12:00 AM

    You're awesome @Dodi Friedenberg! Of course, I've known that since 2017 at JVS!


    A couple notes:

    1. Users must also have R/E to the Title field. Since we don't use that, I hadn't previously granted access. But thanks to your Github link, I figured it out.
    2. Users must have CR access to Opportunities in order for both the Opportunity Name field and the Do not create a new Opportunity upon conversion checkbox field on the conversion page to appear (Opportunity Account appears either way). Previously, those fields appeared regardless of the permissions. However, the conversion will still work without those permissions or the fields being visible. This is fine, as long as the NPSP Setting for Leads is set to the appropriate default. In my case, that's unchecked, which causes the Do not create a new Opportunity upon conversion checkbox field to be checked by default. Since we don't use Opportunities for Leads, it works out just fine that users suddenly don't see a couple fields that they never use. Less clutter is always better!

I've joined a new company that has several different brands. Each brand has a different Record Types for Opportunity, though all use the same Contact types. There are specific fields that are only visible based on your Role. It seems when different roles are trying to convert leads to Contacts/Opportunities, there are different required fields. I do not see these in Validation Rules, or in the field mapping. How can I see what fields are required to convert the leads for each record type and role?





#Convert Lead

1 answer
  1. Oct 22, 2024, 2:59 PM

    If they are not required via a Validation Rule, then they are probably required via a Page Layout, or possibly if they are a picklist field, the Picklist Field requires a value in the in the "General Options" setting in the Field Setup and Config




I want to maintain the Contact > HH Account data model, so when a lead is created we enter 'Individual' into the Account Name field, so a Household Account is created when the Lead is converted to a Contact. 


I would like to start collecting Org Aff info too, and have this happen upon convert - the Contact is attached to it's HH Account but an Org Account is found/created and the new Contact has an Affiliation created, attaching it to the Org Account. 


We will collect the Org Account Name on the Lead form, probably in a custom field? 


Am I able to achieve this in the Lead Convert process or will I have to use a Flow for this, using the custom info collect? 




#NPSP  #Convert Lead

2 answers
  1. Mar 14, 2024, 12:39 PM

    You’d need a flow to utilise the custom field. But I am pretty sure NPSP caters for this out of the box.

    If put in the org name in lead company field, the Npsp lead convert screen automatically gives you different options.

    You’ll have the option to still create the household, AND the company account AND the affiliation record!


We are using the platform for both sales and recruiting. Currently our leads convert pretty standard- into a contact which is associated with an account and opportunity.


I am wondering if there is a way to allow an option of the lead converting to either a contact or our other record type "Candidate"?             

#Lead Conversions #Convert Lead

7 answers
  1. Nov 27, 2023, 8:11 PM

    @Andrew Russo I thought that might be the case. I will look into using the contact then. Thanks! 


I'm using NPSP installed packages and the NPSP lead conversion screen.

When I convert a lead and want to associate to an existing affiliated account....does the match only consider Account Name? That is what this documentation implies:


  • Affiliated Account (5): Includes these options:
    • None: NPSP should not create an Affiliation between the Contact and Account.
    • Affiliate with Existing: Select if the Lead's Company matches an existing Organizational Account, and you want to create an Affiliation between the Contact and Account.
    • Affiliate with New Account: Select to create an Affiliation between the Contact and a new Organizational Account, created from the Lead's Company.

In my use case, the company name that gets entered in the lead Company field (via an online form) can easily vary from the existing account's name. I would prefer to fuzzy match on Company Street and Company Phone OR Company Street and Company Zip. I tried to setup a separate Duplicate/Matching Rule, but I'm not seeing any improvement. Only when the lead Company value is exactly the same as the existing account's Name does it offer the option to affiliate with an existing Account.


Has anyone had a similar requirement/need? Any suggestions for a workaround?

#Nonprofit Success Pack #Convert Lead

5 answers
  1. Oct 1, 2023, 4:05 PM

    @Janwyn Toy not sure if you got a solution around this but if there is no OOB solution for it, one way to handle this would be to allow users to find existing accounts in SF by Account name (min. 3/4 characters to enter) on the web/online form front such that the account name comes clean into SF.


    Though its an API usage overhead and external implementation work. Just throwing some ideas.


I need to change the owner of leads if the lead is not converted after 24 hours. I built a flow that puts the lead in the flow with the wait of 24 hours, however when I went to test it, found out that you can't convert a lead that is in a flow, so if they go to convert a lead before 24 hours is over they can't. I need to be able to let a user convert a lead at anytime.  Anyone know the best way to go about this? #Flow #Convert Lead

1 answer
  1. Jul 31, 2023, 5:00 PM

    Yeah, you can't do this currently--ran into it myself. Your best bet to accomplish this declaratively is to run a daily scheduled flow that would check if a lead is more than 24 hours old and change the owner at that point. The challenge is you might have a lead that is up to almost 47 hours old if it were created a few minutes before the scheduled daily flow runs so it's not quite 24 hours old and then would wait until the next day's run to be 'caught'. Or, if you run it daily for anything created the day before you could have a lead come in after hours that nobody has had a chance to work with yet that would be reassigned too quickly. This may end up being a use case for which a scheduled Apex job is the best fit, or you'll have to accept some tradeoffs/limitations.


I have created a custom Field for Leads and the same field for contacts. How do I teach Salesforce essentials to migrate the data when i convert a lead to a new account/Contact.

  1. Jul 13, 2023, 2:25 PM

    Yep, mapping is the way.  to the Account/contact or oppty.  Make sure the field types are the same.  Must map standard to standard or custom to custom.  Some stand fields auto-map and will not be in the field mapping section if you can't find them. 


I have a new-ish NPSP Org (set up late last year) and am not seeing Lead convert behaviour like I am used to. 


I was expecting the standard NPSP Lead convert screen, where the User is not given the option to create/edit the Account, because it should always be a Household Account. Our form sends in 'Company Name' as -Individual- to facilitate this. See below for example...


Incorrect Lead Convert popup screen in NPSP org?

I am now getting a convert screen that seems more suited to a sales Org. See below. 

Lead Convert Screen I am getting.jpg

I, of course, do not want my Users to attach Contacts to Orgs Accounts, so I need to remove this option, at least. 


I do not have any other mobile actions available on the page layout. 


Can I ask if this is now standard, and if so, how do I prevent my Users from attaching Contacts to Org Accounts?! Thanks



#Convert Lead


2 answers
  1. Feb 6, 2023, 2:10 AM

    @Libby Posadas can you please make the convert button under leads is replaced with VF pages from NSPS package. 


    Object Manager>> Leads>> Actions and Buttons >> select convert and edit. 

    can you please make the convert button under leads is replaced with VF pages from NSPS package. Object Manager>> Leads>> Actions and Buttons >> select convert and edit.


Hi, any idea how to remove Leads from showing up in the search after they have been converted? It seems the only option I'm finding is to delete the lead record, which doesn't seem like a best practice. Thanks in advance!

1 comment
  1. May 5, 2020, 10:26 PM
    Hello @Jessica Galeazzi

    Note that the Lead appears under "Recent Items". So this is not an actual search result being returned, but rather a reminder that you have recently worked with a Lead, which had that name.

    Also keep in mind that having the "View and Edit Converted Leads" system permission could cause a converted Lead to keep showing up in your search results.
