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#Beta0 discussing

Now Available: Data Cloud in Sandboxes Open Beta


New: you can now integrate Data Cloud within sandbox environments for greatly-improved testing and customization. 


Check out the new blog post from @Margot Tollefsen and @William Yeh, and learn how to opt-in to the open beta on the Salesforce Developers website.

Now Available: Data Cloud in Sandboxes Open Beta New: you can now integrate Data Cloud within sandbox environments for greatly-improved testing and customization.

#Data Cloud #Sandbox #AI #Generative AI #Beta


Calling All Trailblazers!!  A new Trailhead GO App is in Open Beta Test!   NEW enhancements make it easier than ever for Trailblazers to discover the content they need and actively engage with the Community from anywhere!  BE THE FIRST to experience exciting new Trailhead GO features, including:

  • Customize Feed: Sort feeds by recent activity or creation date
  • Community Group Improvements:
    • Group leaders can pin up to three posts on their group feed
    • Group leaders can receive and approve member requests to join a group
    • Members can view and contact group leaders for private groups they haven't yet joined
    • Members can view group leaders through a new Members tab
  • Dynamic Topic Recommendations: Show topics based on keywords in a question or post ----------- Q: HOW DO I PARTICIPATE in the mobile Beta? A: Join the Open Beta test on Android or iOS  Share feedback directly with the Feedback in the Mobile App. #TrailheadGO #Mobile #Beta
1 comment

Calling All Trailblazers!!  A new Trailhead GO App is in Open Beta Test!   NEW enhancements make it easier than ever for Trailblazers to discover the content they need and actively engage with the Community from anywhere!  BE THE FIRST to experience exciting new Trailhead GO features, including:

  • Customize Feed: Sort feeds by recent activity or creation date
  • Community Group Improvements:
    • Group leaders can pin up to three posts on their group feed
    • Group leaders can receive and approve member requests to join a group
    • Members can view and contact group leaders for private groups they haven't yet joined
    • Members can view group leaders through a new Members tab
  • Dynamic Topic Recommendations: Show topics based on keywords in a question or post ----------- Q: HOW DO I PARTICIPATE in the mobile Beta? A: Join the Open Beta test on Android or iOS  Share feedback directly with the Feedback in the Mobile App. #TrailheadGO #Mobile #Beta

Calling All Trailblazers!!  A new Trailhead GO App is in Open Beta Test!   NEW enhancements make it easier than ever for Trailblazers to discover the content they need and actively engage with the Community from anywhere!  BE THE FIRST to experience exciting new Trailhead GO features, including:

  • Customize Feed: Sort feeds by recent activity or creation date
  • Community Group Improvements:
    • Group leaders can pin up to three posts on their group feed
    • Group leaders can receive and approve member requests to join a group
    • Members can view and contact group leaders for private groups they haven't yet joined
    • Members can view group leaders through a new Members tab
  • Dynamic Topic Recommendations: Show topics based on keywords in a question or post ----------- Q: HOW DO I PARTICIPATE in the mobile Beta? A: Join the Open Beta test on Android or iOS  Share feedback directly with the Feedback in the Mobile App. #TrailheadGO #Mobile #Beta

Hi everyone,


Thank you for participating in the pilot.


We've updated our documentation: (Spring '21).


If you are in the pilot, your sandbox will get Summer '21 features when you sandbox is upgraded (


If your sandbox org is not part of the pilot, then you will need to work with salesforce support (by submitting a salesforce support case and acknowledging the beta terms and conditions through a google form). I will share the google form link on the trailblazer community by May 20, before noon PDT.


For production org enablement, we would like customers to first test in sandbox. We'll look to allowing customers to enable this in production when we go GA (target Winter '22 - safeharbor). Customers will still need to acknowledge the beta terms and conditions and submit a support case. If the dates change (e.g. allowing enablement in production earlier), I'll be posting an update in this group.


Thank you for your partnership as we look to bring Restriction Rules to beta and then Generally Available!



Larry Tung


@Jayesh Bhatnagar @Ioana Alexandra Chivu @Kiran Karanam - re: your question on production availability.

@Scott Dentes @Marc Frischkopf - the updated documentation to includes removing "formula field support;" here's the direct download link:

  1. Aug 18, 2021, 4:55 PM

    Thanks @Marieke Kunze. I had my engineers validate and we're looking to see what we can do. For now, we've documented the limitation in our Winter '22 documentation.


Beta is working great so far. But I would like to suggest that we have the ability to sort comments by date or topic. I get an email from the group but when I go to the App I have to find the correct group and then locate the comment. Example: Release Readiness Trailblazers - voting on logo for Winter '22 Release was posted on April 2. The results were posted this morning and I got an email. But to find the results on the App I had to find the original comment and then open all comments with multiple steps to see the results.

  1. Jun 24, 2021, 8:51 PM

    This is great!

    Yes. Linking from email to this post in the app worked.

    Yes. If there are lots of comments on a post it becomes difficult to get to a specific comment.


My most favorite items from Summer 21 release:


  • Flow Sections (was much needed)
  • Capability to Pull/Push changes from Sandbox.
  • Einstein Search
  • Your Account
  • LWR ( Experience Cloud )
  • External Service Enhancements
  • ServiceAction and Action mode for LWC components
  • Salesforce Functions coming to BETA is the next step for a new journey.
  • Voice feature for Service
  • Branding flexibility added to Experience Cloud. Especially was happy to see Dark Mode.


#Salesforce  #Summer21 #New Releases #Release


Am I missing something? I see in the Key Updates that Dynamic Actions are available in Beta for all standard objects; however, I don't have the option to enable on my App Builder. I clearly see it on my custom objects. Everything I read states this feature is available on standard... what am I missing?  

  1. Apr 11, 2021, 12:00 PM
    They are two separate things - Dynamic Actions and Dynamic Forms. Dynamic Actions are available on std and custom objects. Dynamic Forms is only available on custom objects.

Dear All,


Is there any way to hook up my Trailhead Org (or a Sandbox) to the Salesforce Output Connection Beta?

I am super excited about this functionality and would like to test it out.


Thanks a lot and kind regards,


1 comment

The Spring 21 release is jam-packed with exciting beta features, so is it worth it to play guinea pig? Some thoughts in my latest blog post:


@The Blog Group @* Release Readiness Trailblazers * @WIT Group, New York City, US 

1 comment
  1. Feb 28, 2021, 5:04 PM
    Add accounts as campaign members (beta) is a winner. Didn't know the idea was so old. Already tested it.