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Join groups to meet and collaborate with Trailblazers based on location, role, or interests.
Boston Salesforce Saturday
Private group
Boston Salesforce Saturday
Calling all Boston Salesforce admins, developers, users and anyone that wants to learn more about Salesforce! #SalesforceSaturday welcomes YOU! Yes, YOU! If you are a Salesforce newbie, expert or just passionate about Salesforce please Join Us! We are an informal group with no set agenda, looking to learn ALL things Salesforce for our own personal growth on Saturdays! Work at your own pace on whatever helps you get certified, learn code, or develop your career. No registration is required, just bring your laptop, questions, your desire to learn and show up! Our mission is to help motivate and inspire each other; connect with Salesforce professionals from different backgrounds and industries; collaborate on Salesforce certification study techniques and learn together by working on Trailhead modules.
Chicago Salesforce Saturday
Private group
Chicago Salesforce Saturday
This is a group for Salesforce users, admins, consultants, and developers of all levels. We aim to meetup one Saturday each month. Meetings are mostly virtual, but we are looking to incorporate more in-person Chicagoland meetings into our rotation. We collaborate, train, mentor, Trailblaze and hang out. There's no set agenda, so bring your thoughts, ideas and your laptop. We'll move around; if you've got a venue suggestion or are able to host the group - please reach out! Our twitter hashtag is #SalesforceSaturday If you are out there somewhere working on Salesforce for yourself on a Saturday, post to this group and hashtag us on Twitter so we can see you!
Cleveland #Salesforce Saturday
Private group
Cleveland #Salesforce Saturday
Group to have a monthly meetup and work on Trailhead badges or collaborate on studying for Certifications.
Mexico City Salesforce Saturday Group
Mexico City Salesforce Saturday Group
"Mexico City Salesforce Saturday Group" es un grupo pensado para extender a grupos locales en México, la iniciativa #SalesforceSaturday; la cual consiste en crear grupos de estudio y desarrollar en conjunto #SuperBadges #Trails y todo lo necesario para poder mejorar nuestro conocimiento de Salesforce, prepararnos para una certificación y porqué no... Saludarnos y desayunar/comer/cenar algo juntos. Usuarios, Administradores, desarrolladores con nada, poca o mucha experiencia... aquí todos aprendemos de todos! Siempre abiertos a preguntas y propuestas sobre las temáticas a estudiar.
Salesforce Saturday Seoul Korea
Featured group • Private group
Salesforce Saturday Seoul Korea
*Self-Study자료 :
York-Simcoe (GTA) Salesforce Saturday
Private group
York-Simcoe (GTA) Salesforce Saturday
This group is based in northern York Region, and is geared to Trailblazers in the Greater Toronto/Southern Ontario area. However, we welcome everyone interested in increasing their Salesforce knowledge. If you wish to join our group, please have a public profile with photo, job title, location, employer or employment status. This way, members of the group can identify you at meetings either in person or virtually SalesforceSaturday is a casual, interactive place where people come together to learn more about Salesforce, work on Trailhead badges, projects, and superbadges, and help each other prepare for certifications. It is also a good place to get to know your fellow Trailblazers.