Skip to main content Join us at TDX in San Francisco or on Salesforce+ on March 5-6 for the Developer Conference for the AI Agent Era. Register now.
Broadcast Only


Flownatic is the Trailblazer group for Flow and Automation on all platforms owned by Salesforce. This group is broadcast-only and hosts all the announcements. Most of the discussion takes place in the dedicated Flownatic Slack Workspace. Join us using the link in the Group Information section.

Hello folks, 

Read 8 Ways to Use Dynamic Forms in Salesforce here:


Now there is a comprehensive YouTube video that goes with the blog post on the new Orchestration-Based Flow Approval Process (Spring 25). Watch here:



#Flow  #New Releases  #Salesforce Admin

  1. Today, 1:37 AM
    That's called a GACK, there is not much you can do about that. Have you used the screenflow template that is needed? Your output variables have to be there with the required names.

🚨 Flash news: Folks, have been asking for a revamped approval process for a very log time. And we just received it with Spring 25! 


Read the blog post linked below to learn how the Orchestration-Based Flow Approval Processes work. 


Before you ask; it is free. Free!




#Flow  #New Releases  #Automation


Building agents on the Agentforce platform requires a different kind of thinking.

I just started a series of posts on Agentforce actions. Let’s look at the planning and design phase first.


How To Build Custom Flow Actions For Agentforce – Planning Phase


Let me know what you think, please! 😊💡 


Yay! I just got AI Specialist Certified. This is a fairly difficult exam, to be honest.


Cert # 23.


Meredith Anglin and I collaborated on a blog post for Salesforce Break to share my study tips.


If you are planning on taking the exam, make sure you check out the post and the links for training resources.


How to Pass the Salesforce AI Specialist Exam - Link:


Happy studies.

Yay! I just got AI Specialist Certified. This is a fairly difficult exam, to be honest. Cert # 23. Meredith Anglin and I collaborated on a blog post for Salesforce Break to share my study tips.


#Agentforce  #AI  #Trailhead Challenges


Closing out the January cohort for the Complete Flow Course (live), folks. Last few seats. Sign up now. Here is the link:


Read my latest blog post to learn about the new flow features.

Top 7 Salesforce Spring 25 Flow Features:


#Flow  #Trailhead Challenges  #New Releases

Hello folks, it is the festive time of the year. I am offering my Live Complete Flow Course at the lowest price of the year.

Check out the link here and register for the cohort starting in January. Let me know if you have any questions:

Happy Holidays


#Flow  #Trailhead Challenges  #Certifications

1 comment

New content alert (Salesforce Break website has a new design):

Top 9 Salesforce Winter 25 Flow Features

How To Compare Flow Versions Using Gearset (YouTube)

How to Use the Action Button Component in Screen Flow



#Flow  #New Releases

I have been working on flows, adding functionality from one version to another on a test.salesforce instance. I have started receiving this message. Anybody with similar experience?

Unfortunately, there was a problem. Please try again. If the problem continues, get in touch with your administrator with the error ID shown here and any other related details. Error ID: 1538406683-140829 (-2114391489)
8 answers
  1. Sep 24, 2019, 6:02 AM
    Hi Andy,

    Greetings to you!

    These errors can be hard to debug. The best way to get the quick turn around on this.

    First Method: Set-up the debug log for the user who is getting this error.

    Try to reproduce the error and analyze the debug log to check the root cause.

    Second Method: If debug log won’t give you much information about this error then you have the only way to resolve it in less time which is to log a case with Salesforce support.

    Please share the below information on your case to get the quick response on it.

    • Login access of your affected org(in which the issue is occurring).
    • Complete steps to reproduce the error again.
    • Complete error message with error ID.
    • Attach the snapshot of the error on the case
    • Provide your availability hours.
    • Date and time when the error occurred the first time.

    Support will track the stack trace at your org instance and try to find out the root cause of the error and suggest you the appropriate solution for the error.

    The above information will help them to filter out the server logs.

    I hope it helps you.

    Kindly let me know if it helps you and close your query by marking it as solved so that it can help others in the future. It will help to keep this community clean.

    Thanks and Regards,

    Khan Anas