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Program Management Module (PMM)

This is a public group to discuss the Program Management Module (PMM).



I feel like I am missing something really basic here. 


We want an easy way to show all clients that have upcoming service sessions (appointments) so that they can be called and reminded but this doesn't seem possible without multiple clicks. Right now it seems that the support staff would need to click on the Service Session, click on the Service Schedule then click on each individual participant to get their number.


Ideally we would want a report that shows upcoming Sessions (with dates and times) and who the participants are and their phone numbers but this doesn't seem possible - even with a custom report type. 


We also want to be able to look at a Contact and see all their upcoming appointments as they may be enrolled with more than one program we offer.


I had seen something about creating a junction object to connect Service Session and Service Participants but I can't find that post again and I am not exactly sure how to do that. 


Has anyone done something like this and can give me some direction?



4 answers
  1. Feb 24, 2:13 PM

    Hi @Stacy Oleson! Thanks for the reply. That isn't exactly what we are looking for - we wanted something for our staff to use to call clients and remind them of their appointments so there would not be a service delivery yet. We were able to accomplish something "good enough" using the block report method Brad mentioned. There are just a lot of extra rows that we can't seem to get rid of so it isn't ideal. Thanks for the suggestion!


Hi - I see there is a similar question from 2022 that was never answered - has anyone received the error, 'Apex CPU time limit exceeded' when clicking the 'Submit' button on the Track Attendance component? 


We have been using the Track Attendance component for several months now and this is the first time we've encountered this error. 


Our use case is tracking attendance for a community grocery pick-up - we have about 200 names in the Track Attendance component for each Service Session. 



3 answers
  1. Feb 10, 6:44 AM

    @Nikki Myoraku

    I believe I have seen this error before. Have you enabled all of the rollups in the Feature Gate? This error resolved for me by disabling those I didn't need and only enabling those I did. It is these rollups all running at once that causes the error on bulk service deliveries. 


    See here


Our staff have duplicated some Program Engagements, and as a result they have inadvertently recorded attendance service deliveries against each of them. Is there a way to bulk-move service deliveries from one Program Engagement onto another, so I can clear the duplicate without losing all that data?

2 answers
  1. Feb 5, 11:52 AM

    Thank you Olajide! I will try that.


I have followed the instructions here

to configure the Service Status of "active" for enhanced filtering. Am I correct in assuming that when a Service Lookup field is used on another object (for example, Service Delivery), only the Services with an active status will be searchable/selectable in the lookup field?? I still want my users to have access to the records with other statuses if they click the record or used it previously (so restrictions/sharing rules are not a solution), but I only want the active ones to be shown in lookup fields.  


This is not currently working for us, so I have either misunderstood or missed a step.

1 answer
  1. Feb 2, 11:45 PM

    Hi Lindsay, lookup fields via the standard Salesforce UI will not filter based on these buckets. You could do this via a Screen Flow and then remove the standard New Service Delivery buttons. 


    You can make them apply to Bulk Service Deliveries - see "Enable Bulk Service Delivery Active Filter" on



    You can also filter by active Program Engagements on the Attendance tracking component - see "Filter Attendees" on


Hi folks,


 I tried creating a benefit schedule using the 'New Benefit Schedule' button in the Benefit object. I entered the details, and the session details appeared on the second screen. However, at the end, an error occurred: 'Something went wrong while marking Approval Status to Approved in Benefit Schedule.' Is anyone else facing the same issue? How can this be resolved? #Salesforce Developer #Nonprofit #ProgramManagement

1 answer

Case 1: If I open a Service Session page and select Present in the Attendance Status list, the service delivery IS recorded on the Contact's record as expected.

Case 2: However, if I change the Status from Pending to Complete on the left side of the same page, it is NOT recorded as a service delivery on the Contact record.

Case 3: The service delivery also is NOT recorded as such if I open the Service Session view and change the Status to Complete. 


Why don't they all behave the same?

Why does only one way to track attendance actually record a service delivery?





1 answer
  1. Dec 30, 2024, 3:56 AM

    1. The system is configured to record a service delivery when a Contact's Attendance Status is set to "Present".

    2. Changing the Service Session status (from Pending to Complete) affects the session as a whole but does not directly update individual attendance records. Because the attendance data did not change, the logic to create or update a Service Delivery is not triggered.

    3. Changing Status to Complete updates the session's overall status, not the individual attendance data. Since no attendance records are updated, no Service Delivery is recorded.


We have a program where we have set various program stages that are considered "in program" so that the stage is not always ACTIVE or ENROLLED but it seems like this is the stage that needs to be set for the members to display in the Bulk Service Delivery by group.  Is there any way to edit this? I tried going to the field set but I don't see where the stage value is set.  

2 answers

Hi all,


We've found that our users are not able to use the 'Add More Sessions' button on the Service Schedule because the initial Service Schedule fields are not editable (they are greyed out), and the custom fields we added are not populating with the information from the original Service Schedule either. There are some custom fields we added that are required, so effectively we are not able to use this button at all to extend service schedules :(. Has anyone found a workaround to this?


Here's an image of what I'm talking about:

'Add More Sessions' action on Service Schedule not populating with custom fields?

1 answer
  1. Nov 6, 2024, 9:11 PM

    Running into this as well.  Did you ever find a solution?


We would like to record the number of counselling sessions delivered to beneficiaries, but we do not currently track that against a specific individual. Is there any way we can add each of those sessions using Service Deliveries, but without it being tied to a specific contact/client?

10 answers
  1. Oct 28, 2024, 10:35 AM

    Excellent! I just did that, and it works great. Thank you for all the guidance!


Hi PMM community,


I am supporting a social enterprise with setting up a system to manage their program deliveries and planning. I usually work with NFPs and so have been using PMM in NPSP as well as NPC for newer setups. 

Either of these structures would be great. 


From the readings I've been able to access, it seems that PMM is only available (or requires) to orgs that have NPSP. 


Does anyone have experience with being able to add PMM to a commercial license (i.e. does not have the NPSP structure)?

2 answers
  1. Oct 27, 2024, 1:56 PM

    Yup, Totally doable.  I would argue in many of these use cases the Household Model doesn't actually help things either. 
