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Volunteers for Salesforce (V4S) App

This is a public group for questions and discussions surrounding Volunteers for Salesforce (V4S). You can use V4S to manage volunteer relationships, events, and communications.

Before I investigate what features they want and how to implement, can someone let me know if this app is going to continue to be updated with all the changes at Salesforce? And if I were to install it now, with the api upgrade messages that I am seeing, is it safe to do so?

5 answers
  1. Feb 26, 3:33 PM

    Ah ok yes, I see that on your company's website. Well, what are you looking for in a new fundraising software? The correct option depends on your company's individual needs. 


    Popular option include Donorbox and Form Assembly. These options would allow you to embed it on your website, rather than a separate web page; have an integration with Salesforce; and give donors the option to make recurring donations.


So - I know there was another post on this, however, my question is related to the fact that the update failed because Volunteers for Salesforce has API versions that are below version 45.  Is this issue going to be addressed by anyone managing the app?  I believe this is now a part of Community Commons, but I am not sure.  @Cori O'Brien

would you know anything about this by chance? 


#Salesforce Admin #Release Readiness

3 answers



We are new users to salesforce and we are setting up Volunteers for Salesforce, when we create a recurring job, we are looking to have recurring volunteers, I have created a volunteer recurrence schedule copying the job recurrence schedule but when it's saved it isn't showing the volunteer hours on the shifts? 


Has anybody else had this and how did they get around it? 


Thank you :) 

6 answers

We have noticed this on certain volunteers: We set the VRS for example at 9:00 am which is also the same as the Shift start time. After we save, we notice the first record is correct, but then all future Planned Start Date & Times are set for 8:00 AM. The VRS is unchanged and so is the shift.


Has anyone else experienced this or knows why it happens? As far as I can tell, all the profiles are set in the correct timezone and we do not have Daylight Savings Time in our zone...


Thank you!

5 answers
  1. Feb 11, 1:59 AM

    @John Cruice thank you for the insight. The working theory now is that it has something to do with the timezone of the scheduled apex and the user's timezone that runs the job. We are going to change that user to the WA time zone and are hoping the next time the job runs it will work. Sounds like it will as per your comment and we might have to look at changing all of our timezones to something standard to future proof. Cheers!


I attempted to reinstall the V4S app exchange in the same organization where I installed it yesterday. Initially, I did not use the NPSP page layout during the installation, which was successful. However, today I tried to install it again with the NPSP page layout, and the installation failed, displaying the following error. Could you please help me identify a possible solution for this issue? Thank you in advance. 

Error : 

Could not process MDAPI response: Update of Layout Contact-Volunteers Contact Layout: Error: In field: QuickAction - no QuickAction named SendEmail found



3 answers
  1. Feb 5, 3:09 PM

    That's get resolved after making a SendEmail Global Action in the sandbox but it could be a possible issue in app exchange package that it checks for that quick action which may not exists in the sandbox.


Aim: I am looking at creating a V4S Salesforce Site to allow volunteers to sign up for shifts, as well as to view a calendar of upcoming shifts that they have already signed up to. For reasons relating to security and accessibility I would like to replace the name/surname and email fields with an ID field when volunteers try to sign up for a slot.  


Progress: I have generated ID numbers using Autonumber and set up a flow to autofill this into an ID text field on their contact, so that they can type in the ID number for their contact and then the signup will be linked to their profile.  


Problems where I need help: 

1) I cannot find how to replace name/surname and email from the signup box as they are not appearing on the relevant Field Sets. I am also struggling with setting up a custom Visualforce page because of XML issues. Is there a more simple workaround?  


2) If you type in the wrong ID number, the signup will still be accepted.... where do I change the settings so that you have to type in the correct ID number that's associated with your contact?

1 answer
  1. Feb 4, 3:45 AM

    if you just send them their personal V4S site url one time and  they can do all that from there and you don't have to introduce the "extra numeric ID" at all  -- very unlikely anyone would ever guess a url to a users personal V4S site


Aloha Everyone,


We're a non-profit theatre on Oahu and we just started using V4S. We have gotten through one show where I was able to schedule ushers, concessions, and box office volunteers/volunteer teams. There is much I like about this app, but am looking to streamline a few things:


When a volunteer signs up for a shift, is there a way it can automatically go to "confirmed" instead of going to "web sign up". This would help by marking shifts as full automatically once I get the intended number instead of it waiting for me to confirm the web sign ups and having to turn people away when I get too many trying to sign up for the same shift. 


Related to this, my volunteers haven't been receiving their confirmation automatically. I'd like it if the sign up, are automatically confirmed, and receive a confirmation email with the shift info.


Finally, is there a way for volunteers to see who has signed up for a shift? They tend to like seeing who they will be working with.


Mahalo in advance for your help.

1 answer
  1. Feb 3, 4:36 PM

    @Brando Cutts Hi, I hope someone already gave you an answer to this, but just in case - we have a flow that updates the Volunteer Hours status to 'Confirmed' and also emails a confirmation to the volunteer. At this time, we don't display everyone on a shift to everyone else, so unfortunately I don't have an answer for you there.


We use the VicTouch module in Volgistics.  VicTouch allows volunteers to access the system through a volunteer kiosk.  Volunteers can enter their shift time and shift end as well as schedule jobs or assignments.  We'd like to integrate or interface VicTouch and SalesForce.  Thanks in advance for your help!

1 answer
  1. Jan 9, 7:35 PM

    Hi @Visitor Services,

    • Navigate to Setup > Object Manager > Campaign > Page Layouts > Edit the page layout and modify the fields or sections as per the need.
    • You can also modify the overall look and feel of the page, open the campaign record > click on setup (top right) > click on Edit page and modify the other components on the page.