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Featured group Reports & Dashboards

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I've been trying to figure out if we can send reports to non-users. I want to schedule regular reports on class registrations to instructors and hosts in the weeks before a class occurs.

6 answers
  1. Feb 25, 8:04 PM

    @Kai Williams Hi there! ho were you able to send reports to chatter users? From everything I've read, theres no way they cant access to data in salesforce (just chatter). It would be very helpful if you could share the steps you took! Thank you in advance!


I've created two summary reports that display all gifts made from 11/1 - 12/31 in 2023 and 2024. My team wants to compare the two and see how many donors gave in both years, essentially looking at the overlap like a Venn diagram. Is there a way to display this in a single report, or would I need to cross-reference the data another way? Thanks!

2 answers

I need help setting up a Report to track our effectiveness responding to Leads in a timely manner. I've created Reports of the Type: Leads with converted lead information that includes the field "Converted Date" but this field always shows up blank. Investigating on the Power of Us Hub and Success Community have found folks with similar problems but no exact matches, and their solutions don't apply.

In the Knowledge Base I discovered that Field History Tracking may need to be turned on for the Lead object (it doesn't appear to be in our instance). Does anyone know if this is true, and if so, will it impact our data storage footprint? Reports & Dashboards
3 answers
  1. Feb 14, 9:01 AM

    Hi , I also have an issue with converted date field. In some cases (many) the field is empty , no date. Not clear the reason why it has no info in there, as the lead is actually converted from lead status. If I select "convert" again from the top right drop down menu on the lead page, the lead converts effectively and converted date appear. Would you please help me in understanding what prevents from showing converted date in the first instance? Why I still have "converted" in the menu if the lead is already on converted status? thanks a lot for your help 


    Hi , I also have an issue with converted date field. In some cases (many) the field is empty , no date.


Hi Trailblazer Community, 

I created button called "Grants Report" that is displayed on the Opportunity record. It links to a dynamic report where the first filter is

Opportunity Name equals " "

, which is filled in by the name of the Opportunity record. The report pulls a list of related funding request records based on the Opportunity name. This works fine for most Opportunities, but not all of them and I don't know why.  


I've discovered at least two Opportunities where the report returns no results, even though I KNOW there are related funding requests. When I change the filter to

Opportunity Name contains " ",

the report does pull the appropriate related records. However, that isn't a good solution. Since the name isn't exact, the "contains" option also pulls records related to a different Opportunity.  


I encounter the same issue when I run the report manually and copy and paste the Opportunity name. What is it about these particular Opportunity names that is keeping the report from working?? Has anybody else encountered a similar issue? I'd love to know so that I can fix it or come up with a workaround. Please help!

2 answers
  1. Feb 3, 5:02 PM

    I think you've identified the problem.  I wonder if a better solution would be to rely on the Opportunity ID field instead of the Opportunity Name?  The ID is a unique identifier.  There's nothing built into the system to prevent two opportunities from having the same name.  And, of course, there's nothing to stop an opportunity name from having a comma.  Trying to make sure every name is unique and comma-free sounds like a headache.  Using the ID field could be easier and safer.


I have a report for a custom object that pulls a number of fields, including some rich text fields. The rich text fields all populate SOME information if the field has text within it. Some of the lines of the report show the full value of the rich text field. But for many of the records that have rich text in the field, the characters cut off after a seemingly random point. This isn't a character count issue - the cut off point (and total length of these fields) is much less than 254. And when the report is exported, the information that I know is on the record is not pulled. It never cuts off in the middle of a word so I assume it has something to do with spaces present in the field value, but I can't imagine why this is happening. This happens on the two rich text fields that the custom object contains. Has anyone ever experienced something like this? Or have an idea as to what might be going on?

6 answers

Hi All, I need help in reporting on the data shown in Pardot (Report section) where it shows Delivered, Unique Opens, Sents etc data on user(Prospects) level that is email wise. Refer to the snapshots - How to show these info in reports. Do we need to create a any report type or any way to get these info in form of a report. @* CRM Analytics (fka Tableau CRM) * @Reports & Dashboards @Admin Addicts Reports & Dashboards

How to do reporting in Standard SF reports/dashboard or in CRM Analytics on Pardot Emails - Delivered, Sent etc.


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3 answers
  1. Dec 2, 2024, 8:13 AM

    Hi @Jen Reeves and @aarthi mathivanan - I am able to do reporting on Template level but struggling to do on Prospect(Email level). Usinga template emails were sent to 5 people/name/email, such as A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and out of these from Template I get info on 5 email sent, 4 delivered, 2 opened, 1 clicked, etc but I want to do reporting on these 5 peope/names. If I do reporting on how many emails were opened and who opened them then the names should show as A1 and A4 Opened and similarly on all other pointers - Delivered, Unique clicks, etc.


    @* CRM Analytics (fka Tableau CRM) * @Reports & Dashboards @Admin Addicts Reports & Dashboards



I'm helping a small nonprofit organization develop some fundraising dashboards.  They would like to be able to share these dashboards with board members who are not in Salesforce.  Is there any way I can share dashboards with "anyone who has the link"?  I doubt this org wants to set up or pay for community/community plus users.  

Thanks so much,


5 answers
  1. Steven Trumble (Skie) Forum Ambassador
    Nov 5, 2024, 8:57 PM