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Outbound Funds Module (SFDO Product)

This is a public group to discuss the Outbound Funds Module. This is a foundational solution for foundations and nonprofits who disburse awards and grants to track their funding programs and requests, gain insight on financial commitments and manage disbursements. It is free and open source. This package is designed to work with all Salesforce instances and NPSP is not a requirement. Important note about Funding Requests as of July 2019: If you were an early adopter of the Outbound Funds package, the Funding Request object had a master-detail relationship with Funding Program when you installed it. However, various members of the community requested that this relationship be changed to a lookup to provide more flexibility. This change was made generally available with package version 1.15 as of 7/11/2019.

Join us at the next OFM Community Gathering/User Group on Monday, March 10 at 2pm ET / 11am PT.   

We will be talking about budgeting with OFM. Come see how a other organizations are managing budgets with OFM, share your ideas and connect with other community members using OFM.  


Sign up Here


Hello @Outbound Funds Module (SFDO Product)


I want to create a report based on Accounts, Funding Requests and Disbursements. we already have report with Funding Requests and Disbursements but we need to pull the data based on the Account . I tried using a custom report type as Accounts>Funding requests>Disbursements which gives correct results but doesnt not show disbursement fields because Account does not have any direct relationship with disbursements. I tried a joined report with Accounts and Funding Requests and in other block is disbursements and it did not give desired result. The end goal here is to show the funding requests based on Account's field Sector Level.(Sector Level is a picklist on both account and FR objects but we are only manually updating it on Account Level)  


3 answers

Hi @Outbound Funds Module (SFDO Product) community.   

I wanted to share a new resource available, we have started a YouTube Channel to share recordings of our recent meetings.  It's a brand new channel, but we have our Anniversary Meeting and the Due Diligence & Compliance demos on the channel.  

Outbound Funds Community on YouTube


I also wanted to thank everyone who contributed to the conversation and the chat.  We really appreciated all the great comments and resources shared with the group.  I've collected a number of the items shared by fellow community members that were recommended to use for your own Due Diligence and Compliance processes:

Next OFM Meeting is in March, link to sign up is in the right-side information panel. If you've already signed up for this year's meeting series you don't need to sign up again.

1 comment
  1. Feb 7, 9:20 PM

    During the meeting, we showed a Formula field to create a link to one of the sites to find an organization's tax status.  Assuming you have created your own field to store the organization's EIN or Registration Number, in my Case EIN (EIN__c), just replace that field in my forumla with your own custom field.   


    Below is a simple version of such a formula. Because an EIN typically has a hyphen for the third character, but some people enter it without, I've set up my formula to look for 9 or 10 characters and respond accordingly. 


    Here is my formula: 


    "&gf_sf__EIN__c,"View Profile","_blank"), 

       IF(  LEN(gf_sf__EIN__c)=9, HYPERLINK("

    " & LEFT(gf_sf__EIN__c,2) & "-" & RIGHT(gf_sf__EIN__c,7),"View Profile","_blank"),  

    "Invalid or Missing EIN" 




One of my sandboxes updated to the Spring '25 release and the ICU Locale Format update that was enforced failed and I received an email, subject "Sandbox: ATTENTION: Sandbox Enablement Failure", and first line of the body containing "Your sandbox org .... was not enabled on the ICU locale formats as notified due to the API version below 45 used in the org ". One of the packages that had an API version issue was Outbound Funds (Core). On investigating I found the Apex class "disbursementsCreateController" and it's test class had API versions less than 45. Is there an update to the Outbound Funds (Core) package which fixes the API version issue? If not, when will one be available? 


#Outbound Funds Module, #Outbound Funds NPSP Extension

10 answers

We have an existing NPSP instance and are not considering migrating to Nonprofit Cloud any time soon. 


We have a business need for the Outgoing Grants module as well as the Experience Cloud functionality for grantees.  


The available documentation on the Trailblazer Community, the Salesforce Help site, and Trailhead does not make a clear distinctions between the Grants Management package for NPSP vs. NPC and this is confusing. 


I see on the product installer page that "Install Grants Management and Build Community

" is an available package, and I ran the Pre-Install Validation check on my Partial Copy sandbox to check compatibility. It failed at the Experience Cloud-related steps because I don't currently have the licenses for that. I also ran the Pre-Install Validation for Grants Management (without the Experience Cloud part) and it also failed with a message about community plus login licenses. 


Because of this, I'm not fully confident about the product's compatibility with my NPSP instance. 


Link for product information on the installer site is broken.  

Grants Management Documentation:



When I search for documentation independently of the installer site, I find this section on the help site: which says "Note Salesforce offers managed package solutions for nonprofits in addition to the integrated platform solution Nonprofit Cloud. This content provides information about a nonprofit managed package. Find the Nonprofit Cloud documentation in Nonprofit Cloud

. If you're not sure which version your organization uses, check with your Salesforce admin." 


Is there a different link for documentation that is specific to Grants Management for NPSP? Is all of the functionality listed in the help document applicable to NPSP, or are some of the features for NPC only? 


Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. I can't explain this to my organization's staff without fully understanding it myself. They are currently considering other grant management software, and I want to give them accurate product documentation for their comparison. 


@Nonprofit Cloud for Grantmaking, @Nonprofit Hub, @Nonprofit Success Pack



9 answers
  1. Jan 23, 7:21 PM

    @Leah Kopperman - The documentation link you posted is the correct one for the Grants Management Module that is compatible with NPSP. It's referred to as Grants Management or Grants Management Module or GMS in the documentation. The Nonprofit Cloud version is called Grantmaking in the docs.   


    If your org passes the Outbound Funds pre-install checks then you'll probably be okay. As Brian noted, GMM has Outbound Funds as its core. ERD showing which bits are which 

    is here.  Note that only Outbound Funds is free. Both the Grants Management Module (managed package) and Nonprofit Cloud for Grantmaking cost and are not covered by P10 licenses. 


We have some situations where the grantee can be renewed for additional years if they meet certain criteria.  Wondering how you all are handling this?  The two likely paths could be to use disbursements to handle the additional years.  The other way would be to add a new funding request.


Wanted to check and see how others are handling this.

5 answers
  1. Jan 21, 5:06 PM

    I would think about how the process looks like. 

    - Does the grantee have to re apply? Having a separate funding request might be helpful so you can track that. You could do something with a master / first Funding Request. 

    - do they get renewed when they fulfill certain requirements: in that case I would use requirements linked to the disbursements. And check before paying out if the requirements has been fulfilled. 


    Probably there are more scenarios.


Hey @Outbound Funds Module (SFDO Product) community, I wanted to let you know that our first Community Gathering meeting topic will be Due Diligence. I invite everyone to sign up for our meeting on January 13, 2026. Sign up Here.  


We are planning to do some demos and have a few organizations, showing their different approaches to Due Diligence processes and checks and see how they manage that in Salesforce. We look forward to seeing you all in one month!


@Foundations User Group Commons & Sprint Events


Hello OFM community! At our community gathering in August, interest was expressed in periodically connecting as a community and learning how others are using and extending OFM.


We are excited to announce that starting in January - we will be hosting a regularly scheduled Community Gathering/User Group on the 2nd Monday every other month. Sign up Here.  


We are working to plan each session so if you have something you’d like to share, please let us know. 


We approve 50+ funding requests at a time. Wondering if anyone has created a record triggered flow to create future Disbursement records with status 'scheduled' --  based on the Awarded date as a reference. Most are paid out quarterly. I'm getting hung up on the variable to find the last day of the next CY quarter. 

1 answer
  1. Nov 5, 2024, 5:25 PM

    Hi @Jake Roesler, I recently migrated my process builder to a record trigger flow that creates the disbursements and requirements related to the funding request. For the dates, I used a formula variable. My date requirement is different but I often used this help article to guide me through formulas with dates: I see there is one to find in which quarter a date is.

    If you have to set up your date based on the awarded date, I think I will start by finding in which quarter is and then assign the date. Ex. 11/5/2024 is Q4 then due date 12/31/2024.

    Hope this is helpful and happy to elaborate more if needed.


Hi,  I have installed the Outbound Funds module and can not seem to find the GAU Expenditures object or custom components to add to the disbursements page, as shown here I can see all other expected objects such Funding programs, funding requests, disbursements etc. What else do I need to do to access the GAU Expenditure object etc, please

7 answers
  1. Jan 30, 2024, 4:27 PM

    @Andrew Byatt The GAU expenditure object is in a separate NPSP extension package. Did you install from


    If so, the installer should have checked to see if you had NPSP and then offered to install the extension package. If you do not have NPSP in your org, you are not able to install the extension package with GAU Expenditures. Do you have NPSP in your org? 
