I have an email action set up - to send whenever my equipment form is in "Draft" status. Is it possible to run this daily? or does it HAVE to be a schedule-triggered flow.
@Steve Molis so i also tried this approach (making a report - subscribing to it) but the issue is i need it to show the account owner and
the equipment owner (which sometimes can be two different people).
The equipment form is a custom object that I turned into a related list on the account. We have an inside sales guy, who sometimes completes this equipment form for the account owner. So when I tried to create the report/subscribe, I was running into the issue that I needed it to show both (account owner & equipment owner) and couldn't get it to work properly.
PS. personally I have gotten away from the Scheduled "Death by Email Alert" approach, after 2-3 "Reminders" they're probably ignoring/deleting them.
After that I use the "Wall of Shame Report", either a Scheduled Report or Dashboard that runs weekly, and is usually sent to a Team Leader, that shows stuff like: Number of open Records that have been stuck in the "Draft" Status for > 30+ Days (Grouped by Owner)
So sorry! Sf is turning my brain into mush. I figured out how to make a schedule-triggered flow! So it's a brand new flow. The only issue I'm facing now, is every time i edit the equipment form (while it's also in draft status) i get the email. But I only need it daily, whenever it's in draft status, (and not every time someone edits the form). @Steve Molis
Hi @Abby M
, sorry I'm playing catch-up on your posts.
So i'm basing it off of the created date, and I put 1 day after. Is this correct for daily runs?"
That would only execute/send 1 Email 1 time the day after the Flow is triggered.
When I said "
you'd need to set up the Scheduled Actions in perpetuity" I mean that yuo would need to create a separate Scheduled Action for Day 2's Email, Day 3's Email, Day 4's Email, etc, etc, etc...
a Schedule-Triggered Flow is the best option if your really want a Daily Email reminder every day until the User takes action and move the record out of "Draft" Status
Hi @Abby M when you say "I got the scheduled flow working." do you mean a Scheduled Path on your existing Flow? Or a brand new "Schedule-Triggered Flow"?
SO I got the scheduled flow working. by some miracle. Had to set up and org-wide email and set that as the process automation email as well. Anyways -The email works! and the flow is running. however - every time i edit the equipment form while it's also in draft status, i get the email. I just need it daily, in draft status. (not every time someone edits the form). is this possible? @Steve Molis
Mykhailo Vdovychenko
Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ
I tried doing a scheduled flow, but it will not let me send the email to the record owner (equipment form) Or the account owner of that form. Additionally I ran into the automated process user - we do not have this set up and I am a bit confused by the process. @Divya Chauhan @Mykhailo Vdovychenko @Steve Molis
Hi, @Abby M
It doesn’t inherently have a concept of "running daily" unless a record is modified daily to trigger it.
Since a Record-Triggered Flow only runs when the record is touched (created or updated), it won’t automatically check all "Draft" records daily unless something modifies those records daily to trigger the flow.
So, you’d need a mechanism to update all "Equipment Form" records with "Draft" status daily. For example, Scheduled Apex job could run daily, query all records where Status = 'Draft', and perform a trivial update (set a "Last Checked" field to today’s date).
This update would trigger your Record-Triggered Flow, which checks if Status = 'Draft' and sends the email.
This approach looks like a hack and may violate regulatory limits (e.g., too many DML operations) if you have many "Draft" records.
It is not the cleanest solution since you are forcing record updates just to trigger the flow.
As you can see, you can make a record-triggered flow run daily using a workaround, but it shouldn't be this complicated.
A scheduled-triggered flow is a better native solution for running daily tasks and sending emails for "Draft" records.
Mykhailo Vdovychenko
Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÃœ