Hello, I'm currently in Create a Case Escalation Rule and am on step "Test the Escalation Rule"
Im not able to select "Problem" from the Type nor do I have the option to select "Inverters" for the Product type. Please help.
#Trailhead Challenges
Hi @Tomasz Romanik I am a member of Trailhead Help, We see that you have successfully completed the badge Create a Process for Managing Support Cases. Please post the solution or mark any one of them above which helped you to resolve your query as "Best Answer" to close this thread, and also it might help the fellow Trailblazer's who are facing the similar issue. Thank You!
Divya Chauhan (Kcloud Technologies) Forum Ambassador
Hello@Tomasz Romanik,
- make sure all previous unit completed in the same org
- Please check prerequisite.
Hello @Tomasz Romanik, Ensure that " Problem" value is added in Type picklist and it's active value for appropriate record type.
Hi, @Tomasz Romanik
Some fields are not visible because the settings for the corresponding Page Layouts were done in previous Challenges.
Make sure that all 3 Challenges on this topic were completed in the same Playground. If not, complete the first two Challenges and then proceed to the third one.
Mykhailo Vdovychenko
Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ
This usually happens if the values are either not added to the picklist or not assigned to the correct record type.
First, go to Setup -> Object Manager -> Case -> Fields & Relationships and check both fields. Make sure "Problem" and "Inverters" are listed and active. If your org uses Record Types, verify that these values are assigned to the record type you’re using for testing.
You can check this in Setup -> Object Manager -> Case -> Record Types and confirm that these picklist values are available.
If the values are missing, you may need to manually add them or update the record type settings.
Hope this helps!