Hi community, I wanted to redirect the button I created in visualforce page to a create record form.
In the experience cloud home page.
<apex:outputLink value="{!URLFOR($Action.Application__c.New)}"
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These code is not working when I published as the attached ss error msg, but works fine when I preview it in my visualforce page, it opens to create record page but in Salesforce classic.
Is it because the visualforce page component in experience cloud has a record id as shown in ss?
@* Experience Cloud * @* Salesforce Developers *
#Experience Cloud
1 answer
Hi @Lim Chong Meng, Have you added your Visualforce page?
You can verify this by following these steps in
Setup:- Navigate to Sites and Domains → Sites
- Click on [your-experience-cloud-site]
- Go to Site Visualforce Pages → Edit
- Ensure your Visualforce page is listed under Enabled Visualforce Pages
I hope this helps!