Hi Community,
I struggled with "Control Access to Fields." I created the Permission Set "Manage Job Applications,"
and assigned the Position and Candidate
. as Screehost attached but still showing an error.
Is there the required Package to Install?
Can the community help me fix this?
Challenge not yet complete in Brave Panda Playground
We can't find that the ‘Manage Job Applications’ permission set grants read access and edit access to all Job Application fields, except edit access for Position and Candidate.
#Trailhead Challenges
Hi Jasmin,
I also faced the same issue as you, and I found the solution from
Steven M. Mortimer's answerto uncheck the Candidate and Position fields not to be required, which works for me! Hope it can help you solve the issue.
I already solved mine. just by installing this package, 04t0P000000N9rs
Hi all, same issue on my side. Trying to complete the mentioned challenge but Candidate and Position cannot be unticked.
Challenge not yet complete in
Mindful Narwhal PlaygroundWe can't find that the ‘Manage Job Applications’ permission set grants read access and edit access to all Job Application fields, except edit access for Position and Candidate.
Any idea?
We assume this issue needs further review and we may need access to your playground. We will reach out to you via email to investigate further.
++CreateTrailheadCase ← You can ignore this command, it is a tool used by our Agents to tell the system to create your case.
Thank you!
Still, I am encountering the same error. I have installed the package and activated the trial version. I created a new Trailblazer, but the same error persists. It seems to be an issue with the challenge verification steps, as it fails to identify and indicate the exact error point. This issue was also observed in the challenges of previous modules. Therefore, the technical team should investigate and resolve this error to ensure that the challenge can be completed successfully.
@chirag ahir do you have a link?? so i can download it. i need to finish this challenge as soon as possible. since there other modules and challenges, I need to working on.
I am from the Trailhead help team. May I request you please let us know if the above response helped you resolve the issue? If yes, kindly share the solution that helped you resolve the issue or please make sure to mark the response which helped you to resolve your query as 'Best Answer' so that it might help the fellow Trailblazer's who are facing the similar issue.
Else, please let us know the Trailhead module/badge that you are working on so that we can go ahead and create a case on behalf of you and can assist accordingly.
Good day @NAVEED ZIAI, Yes, your assumptions are right. There is a package you need to install first before checking out this challenge:
Ensure that you have installed this package before checking out this challenge - 04t0P000000N9rs