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Estou finalizando o Desafio BUILD YOUR TEAM, porem quando finalizo aparece que não tenho as permissões, eu excluo todas as permissões do Caso que estou resolvendo (James  




Captura de tela 2025-02-19 194023.png


) e coloco pra mim, o desafio da erro e diz que o caso esta sem permissões e quando coloco para mim da a mesma coisa. 

O que faço? 


#Trailhead Challenges

5 answers
  1. Feb 20, 4:45 AM

    Hello @Larissa Cavallieri

    Check a similar thread from the past - 

    It's important that the permissions are set correctly. I also changed the profiles of inactive system administrators to standard. 


    I raised a case with Trailhead Support and they investigated my org and found out that I had an inactive user who's profile was System Adminstrator. Even though the user was inactive, the challenge is checking for all users and there should be only one with the profile System Administrator. Changing the profile of the inactive user to Standard User, helped me go past the error and clear the challenge.

  2. Feb 21, 9:50 PM

    Hi @Larissa Cavallieri



    I am from the Trailhead help team. May I request you please let us know if the above response helped you resolve the issue? If yes, kindly share the solution that helped you resolve the issue or please make sure to mark the response which helped you to resolve your query as 'Best Answer' so that it might help the fellow Trailblazer's who are facing the similar issue. 


    Else, please let us know the Trailhead module/badge that you are working on so that we can go ahead and create a case on behalf of you and can assist accordingly.

  3. Feb 21, 4:28 AM

    @Larissa Cavallieri, it got resolved once I followed the below-mentioned process -  


    • From Setup, Search for Company Information on Quick Find 
    • Scroll to permission set licenses click on Field Service Dispatcher (Active) license  
    • Click on View User, remove the existing user and add your user. 
    • Now, navigate to your user and click on permission sets  
    • Edit the permission set and add a Field Service Dispatcher License to your user it will get added. 