I'm doing this module: Customize Record Highlights with Compact Layouts I'm doing everything right. This is showing: The 'New Oppty Compact Layout' compact list is not configured for the opportunity object. Can anyone assist where I'm going wrong?
I've also checked it on youtube videos regarding this module to confirm I'm doing this right and I've done exactly what is shown in youtube as well. I don't know why it's showing and how to resolve this issue. Can anyone assist me in this?
Hi @Lalit Sharma I am a member of Trailhead Help, We see that you have successfully completed the badge Lightning Experience Customization. Please post the solution or mark any one of them above which helped you to resolve your query as "Best Answer" to close this thread, and also it might help the fellow Trailblazer's who are facing the similar issue. Thank You!
Hi ,
This may be a browser cache issue, try logging out and logging back in.
I've already performed the steps you've mentioned multiple times but still the challenge isn't completing. Check the screenshot. I really don't know where I'm going wrong.
Hi @Lalit Sharma ,
I did the same thing! You are in the wrong area though, that was where you needed to be for the example Create a Compact Layout section. For the challenge, everything is about the same except this: