I continually get this message when I'm trying to verify my challenge:
Challenge not yet complete in Data Quality Playground
In the Create Campaign element, we can’t find a field value that sets ‘Name’ to ‘Child of {!campName}’.
campName is in my list of variables, but it does not display as a choice in my Value field for the Campaign object. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Smitha Thomas (CIBC) Forum Ambassador
Hi @Andrea Davis,
Check this thread - https://trailhead.salesforce.com/trailblazer-community/feed/0D54S00000JgY7rSAF
Thanks. I had done everything in the video, multiple times. I ended up just Saving As New Version and for whatever reason it accepted the Child of {!campName}. Not sure why it never did when I originally input it. I didn't do anything different with either version.