FavoriteMadhuri Guraja (Datacom) asked in #Trailhead ChallengesNov 12, 2024, 10:06 PMTranslate Fitness Survey Input flow issuesHi there - I'm unable to save/activate the flow as having issues with Input values for Account & Contact - Any suggestions on how to progress from this error? #Trailhead Challenges #Trailhead SuperbadgesShow More4 answersSortSort by Most HelpfulSort by Most HelpfulSort by DateMadhuri Guraja (Datacom)Nov 12, 2024, 11:47 PMNever mind it's sorted now - ThanksLoad more comments...Write an answer...BoldItalicUnderlineStrikethroughBulleted ListNumbered ListAdd linkCode blockInsert imageAttach filesLink URLCancelSave0/9000Reply