Hello, I keep getting an error that the Get Sessions action is not added to the experince management topic but it is. It wont let me compelte this build and gives me the same erorr not sure what else to do.
Hi @Krista Schnugg ,
Could you please re-do the module in the new Agentforce Playground.
To create a new Agentforce org please follow the below steps.
1. Open Hands-On Orgs (https://trailhead.salesforce.com/users/profiles/orgs) page.
2. Click on Create Playground button (wait 2 to 3 minutes to create playground org)
3. Once it is created, you'll be able to disconnect the existing org' (Org shows Disconnect option)
4. After disconnecting the org, open the Agentforce challenge and click checkbox then click "Create Playground" button.
5. Check your email inbox and set password to the new org.
6. Now go to module and Click on Connect Org button at challenge page and connect the org and click Yes, Save It button.
Now you can launch the newly connected org to complete the challenge.
Hi, I had a very similar error message. On another thread someone posted the instructions below. They worked for me with the added instruction that I had to Deactivate my agent first. Then do these instructions. And then I can't remember if this reactivated my agent, or if I had to do another step to activate it. But, once one, I then clicked the button to verify completion, and it worked :)
Add an Action to Get Session Records
Use the Get Sessions flow to get the available session records for each experience.
- Click New and select Add Action.
- Select Flow as the Reference Action Type.
- Select Get Sessions.
- Leave the other options as is, and click Next.
- For experienceId, check Require Input.
- For startDate, check Require Input.
- For sessions, check Show in conversation.
- Click Finish.
Based on your screenshot, it appears that not all required actions have been added to the Topic.
Hello everyone, I was racking my brain too. To complete it, it has to look like this, the instructions actually have the texts so glued together that I missed this one.
I hope I helped you avoid having to redo the entire module.
this is what I see in step 5 of "Get the Agent Experience"
Hi @Krista Schnugg I am a member of Trailhead Help, We see that you have successfully completed the badge. Please post the solution or mark any one of them above which helped you to resolve your query and mark it "Best Answer" to close this thread and also it might help the fellow Trailblazer's who are facing the similar issue.
Thank You!
@Murali Krishna Mamillapalli what do you mean? I am only getting an error tha the "get sesson" action is not added to my topic, which my screen shot shows it is!
The trailhead support team's response to this error message is always the same.
To be honest, I couldn't understand why this would solve the problem.
You may want to check with the support team.
@Keiji Otsubo what would this fix? I already did the entire module in an eniorvnment, I dont want to do it again and have the same thing happen?
yeah I saw someone had the same question and there wasn't a solution. any idea what else I could do?