Error Step not yet complete in Agentforce
We can't find the Get Customer Details action. Make sure it has been created and has an API Name of 'Get_Customer_Details'.
How do i go back and fix this
Check Agent Builder under "This Topic's Actions" to see if "Get Customer Details" is there. Make sure the API Name is exactly "Get_Customer_Details" and that the flow is active.
hi @Katie Savage I am a member of Trailhead Help, We see that you have successfully completed the badge. Please post the solution or mark any one of them above which helped you to resolve your query and mark it "Best Answer" to close this thread and also it might help the fellow Trailblazer's who are facing the similar issue. Thank You!
Have you tried logging out, relaunching the playground, and verifying the challenge before creating a new Agentforce playground and redoing the steps? I noticed in another post you mentioned the issue : "Step not yet complete in Agentforce. Oops, no eligible custom template orgs are found."
Hi ,
Hi, I had a very similar error message. On another thread someone posted the instructions below. They worked for me with the added instruction that I had to Deactivate my agent first. Then do these instructions. And then I can't remember if this reactivated my agent, or if I had to do another step to activate it. But, once one, I then clicked the button to verify completion, and it worked :)
Add an Action to Get Session Records
Use the Get Sessions flow to get the available session records for each experience.
- Click New and select Add Action.
- Select Flow as the Reference Action Type.
- Select Get Sessions.
- Leave the other options as is, and click Next.
- For experienceId, check Require Input.
- For startDate, check Require Input.
- For sessions, check Show in conversation.
- Click Finish.