I am trying to filter case object in CRM analytics Dataflow but for some reason my filter node keep failing . With this error" Something went wrong while executing the date filter node: Invalid Filter Expression=date(‘CreatedDate_year’, ‘CreatedDate_Month’, ‘CreatedDate_Day’) in [“1 year ago”.. “current year”] [error category: USER]: Syntax Error at position [line 1: column 6] after token Unexpected character 'â' :: ;date(‘CreatedDate_; (02K7i000001ZYbaEAG_03C7i000001vMotEAE) "
Please help me out if anyone know where i am getting wrong i need 24 months case date only instead of all time. here is the reference
SAQL Script for filter node :
Hi @Junaid Liaquat, I am not sure how sensitive dataflow is in case of using the quotes ('/") but those seem a bit off to me. It should be like this I believe:
date('CreatedDate_Year', 'CreatedDate_Month', 'CreatedDate_Day')
in ["1 year ago".."current year"]
Please try to manually replace the ‘ by ' and the “ by " in the SAQL filter instead of copy paste.
Additionally it also seems that the CreatedDate_year is written without capital letter Y, please try using CreatedDate_Year.
Hope this helps!
@Junaid Liaquat, the error is different now as it related to the quotes between brackets [] for the period "1 year ago".."current year". Same syntax issue there. Please make sure to use the correct quotes.
@Daan Elshout Thank for the answer , but still having same error after change in syntax .
Something went wrong while executing the date filter node: Invalid Filter Expression=date('CreatedDate_Year', 'CreatedDate_Month', 'CreatedDate_Day') in [“1 year ago”..“current year”] [error category: USER]: Syntax Error at position [line 1: column 70] after token Unexpected character 'â' :: ;te_Day') in [“1 year ago��; (02K7i000001ZYbaEAG_03C7i000001vNBJEA2)