I'm trying to complete my AI Specialist Cert and I'm at the point in the trail ahead where it is asking me to do the following:
- Click in the Resource box. Select Case, then click CaseComments. Note: Notice the colorful text, it indicates that this is a related list. (The text color may vary depending on your browser settings.)
- Delete COMMENTS to leave behind just the merge field. It should now look like this: Summarize the concatenation of the contents of the comment bodies of RelatedList:Case.CaseComments.Records along with the text…
I had to choose an option I thought was closely related in order to move on because the option is not there.
I then tried to do this part of the following task where I would begin using Einstein:
- In the Details section, select the Record Detail component [1]. That selection isn't there either.
I've experienced this each time I've attempted to complete a trail. It's very discouraging. Please help and fix this.
#Trailhead Challenges
I am from the Trailhead help team. May I request you please let us know if any of the above responses helped you resolve the issue? If yes, kindly share the solution that helped you resolve the issue or please make sure to mark the response which helped you to resolve your query as 'Best Answer' so that it might help the fellow Trailblazer's who are facing the similar issue.
Else, please let us know the Trailhead module/badge that you are working on so that we can go ahead and create a case on behalf of you and can assist accordingly.
Hi, @Jahnya Barnett
This is all done in Prompt Builder.
You must follow these steps:
- Click and click Setup. The Setup page opens in a new tab.
- In the Quick Find box, enter einstein setup, then click Einstein Setup.
- Turn on Einstein by clicking the toggle. It may already be on if you’ve completed the Quick Start: Agentforce project.
- Refresh your browser window to reveal new admin settings now that Einstein is enabled.
- In the Quick Find box, enter prompt, then click Prompt Builder.
- Click New Prompt Template.
- For Product Template Type, select Field Generation.
- For Prompt Template Name, enter Quick Summary.
- Keep the API Name: Quick_Summary.
- For Template Description, enter A short summary of case details.
- For Object, find and select Case.
- For Object Field, find and select Quick Summary.
- Click Next.
Mykhailo Vdovychenko
Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ
Hi ,
I think it's not the object manager, but the following steps.