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4 answers
  1. Oct 14, 2024, 8:21 AM

    Hello @Nathalie ENGRAMER,

    I solved this issue by following this steps:

    • In Dashboard filters instead of Filter Builder switch to Filter String
    • Fill text area fill the following code:
    {'datasets': {'DTC_Opportunity_SAMPLE': [{'fields': ['Account_Name'], 'filter': {'operator': 'matches', 'values': ['$Name']}}]}}

     As I see it the problem is in incorrect convertion of


    • condition. It expect matches but get in value insted.

  2. Oct 16, 2024, 8:48 AM

    Hi @Nathalie ENGRAMER I am a member of Trailhead Help, We see that you have successfully completed the "Embed a CRM Analytics Dashboard in Lightning Experience" badge. Please post the solution or mark any one of the above which helped you to resolve your query and mark it "Best Answer" to close this thread and also it might help fellow Trailblazers who are facing a similar issue. Thank You!

  3. Divya Chauhan (Kcloud Technologies) Forum Ambassador
    Oct 14, 2024, 7:46 AM