In a flow I need to combine the selection made from 2 radio button fields into 1 field. Radio buttons are API field: ProjectRed and API field: ProjectGreen . The options assigned to the radio buttons are the same: 1st option is 1) choice label is Commerce data 2)Choice Value is Commerce . 2nd option is 1)choice label is Global International 2)choice value is Global .
When I use a formula field with the formula below, it returns the choice label and NOT the Choice value:
{!Red} + {!Green}
How can I get the formula to return the Choice value?
@Brett Davis are you looking to capture the selections made by the user? I think you will need to reference the API name of the screen components (API field: ProjectRed and API field: ProjectGreen). It works in 'assignment' element, should be the same for formula.
@Brett Davis would something like this work?
{!Red}&' + '&{!Green}
Alternatively, is the choice value able to be adjusted to match the label?