I am working on this challenge
As you can see, there is no product field in the new case creation. Could you help me ?
Hi, @Namathis Mendy
Make sure that you have completed all previous Challenges on the same Playground.
This is because each subsequent Challenge builds upon the previous one.
Mykhailo Vdovychenko
Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ
I was having the same issue for days. Looked at everything. Field Level Security and
Field Accessibility and everything looked good.
Then finally the Product (picklist) field decided to show up a couple of days later.
You can see how I changed the Page Layout to use two columns. So, that I knew I was on the right page and that the Product (picklist) field was attached to the page.
I do not know why the Product field took so long to show up.
Hi @Namathis Mendy, I am from the Trailhead help team. I assume that this issue needs further review and we may need access to your Salesforce org where you are trying to complete the challenge. We will create a case on behalf of you for this issue and reach out to you via email to investigate further.
Thank you!
++CreateTrailheadCase ← You can ignore this command, it is a tool used by our Agents to tell the system to create your case.
Good day @Namathis Mendy, Ensure that you have checked the Active box on the product, then only it will be visible.
I am having this issue as well. I have looked at the "Product Support Case Layout" and re-arranged the layout to use both columns. So that I know I was looking at the correct layout.
There are two "Product" fields. One is a lookup and one is the picklist. So I put them both in there and the "Product" picklist still does not show up. When creating a New Product Support Case.
I have looked at Field-Level Security for the "Product" field and everything is set to Visible.
I have finished the challenges but this is still bugging me...