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Hi I am Sales Force student , working on week 3 assignment. I have started on Entitlement Management. I followed all the steps for housekeeping. 

Created the New Entitlement Template also. But when I try creating a new product , I am not able to see the Entitlement Template option in the Details. 

I did add the related list Entitlement Template Name in the Product Page Layout. When I previewed, the Entitlement option was visible. 

Please help
5 answers
  1. May 21, 2021, 11:00 AM

    If you are not able to see the entitlement option even in classic version, try adding Entitlement Templates from related list section to the page layout of products. For this search for products from quick find and select page layout and then select edit next to product layout and add "Entitlement Templates". Hope this helps.


  2. Apr 22, 2020, 5:54 AM
    Hi Ramya,

    Create Entitlement template and product in lightning, later switch to classic and add the Entitlement template.

