We have created process builder (BH_Delete Locations Assocation) on User Approval Object which invokes Approval Process when criteria meet. Below is the condition written in the builder. Process Builder is not invoking Approval process even condition meet. Suppose if we edit User Approval record and Click on Save at that time approval is getting created.NOT(ISBLANK([BH_User_Approvals__c].Locations__c)) && NOT(ISBLANK([BH_User_Approvals__c].BH_UA_Business_Account__c)) && NOT(ISBLANK([BH_User_Approvals__c].User_Name__c)) && NOT(ISBLANK([BH_User_Approvals__c].BH_UA_Person_Account__c)) &&ISPICKVAL([BH_User_Approvals__c].Location_Delete__c, 'Yes') && [BH_User_Approvals__c].BH_Approval_Ready__c = TrueIn the code level we are creating the user approval records for the approval purpose.