I am stuck on the "Create Lookup Filter" section. I followed the steps to create the lookup relationship field between Case object and the User object. When I attempted to verify my steps I got the following error "The field 'Backup_Agent__c' either does not exist on the User object or it is not a Lookup Relationship."
I thought perhaps it might be due to the inability to write in "Backup Agent" into the Field Name so the API name is not created to matchup to 'Backup_Agent__c'. I get an error message when I try and write it in, otherwise the default Field Name remains 'User' .
I doublechecked on the User Object and found the Backup Agent field on the Related Lookup Filters section so Im assuming it has to do with the different API name?
Hi Alan,I have faced the same issue. However now it is resolved and I'm able to successfully complete the chanlange. To resolve the issue you don't need to try in different org. Just make sure that value of Filed Label and Field Name should be "Backup_Agent", then follow the instructions as per trailhead. I hope the issue will be resolved. Thanks Nagendra,
I tried in a different Org and it still did not work.
Please see below screenshots to see if maybe there are some clues as to why it is not working.
Hi Alan,This challenge is pretty much simple but sorry for this issue you are facing.When you are trying to validate the trailhead challenges in the hands-on org you have to perform the instructions given at trailhead.You should not modify the field names manually. Whenever a field is created with a label then the API name is auto-generated.Please, double check with the field name which is created in the hands-on org so that based on the field name the API name will be generated.Also, in the lookup filters section make sure you have the proper filter settings.If the problem persists then I would suggest you please give a try by attempting the same in a brand new org which should probably do the trick.Please let us know still if you have any issues.Happy to help further.Thanks,Nagendra