Our UX team created this pretty layout leveraging what they thought would be standard components via the lightning design system's vertical tabs - it's even in the salesforce figma templates. Unfortunately the lightning app builder doesn't appear to support this vertical variant of the standard tabs component.
Are there any roadmap plans to support vertical tabs in the lightning app builder?
There are no custom workarounds for us to achieve what we need - yes, we can add a vertical tab LWC component but we can't drop standard components into a custom component (prove me wrong - please). This means we can't use dynamic forms for fields, can't have the standard publisher component, can't use standard knowledge component, etc.
There are some ideas open but maybe nobody has seen this funky looking case page to get the idea more support:
I dont see any roadmap document for this, but noticed the idea already raised and register your upvote - https://ideas.salesforce.com/s/idea/a0B8W00000GdfTNUAZ/include-a-vertical-variant-in-the-lightning-app-builder-standard-tabs-component