Hi everyone, by way of background I've been working with Salesforce since 2017 and with enterprise level architecture since 2012. I'm currently beginning my studying for CTA and am wondering if anyone can recommend/OR/wants to form a virtual study group? Realistically I am probably 6 months out from taking the initial CTA review exam and then another 4 or 5 from the board exam itself. Anyway figured I'd reach out to the group - please let me know if this is of interest!! #CTA #CTA Prep
I recommend joining the Architect Ohana slack group. It has a regular virtual study group. https://architectohana.slack.com/ RoadToCTA Salesforce Saturday meetup https://trailhead.salesforce.com/trailblazer-community/groups/0F94S000000GveN is quite good as well. Run by @Meighan Brodkey of OhanaSlack and is now connected to ArchitectOhana.
Hi Christopher, I have similar timelines (602 in January, Board Review in May/June '23) as you but I am not yet ready for a study group. I am looking for a study/accountability partner. If that's something that interests you, let me now and we can chat to see if there is a fit. Cheers!
Hi Chris even I am looking for a group too. I have created a telegram group for salesforce CTA aspirant who are looking for group study https://t.me/+QsOY1vVSpbA0M2Jh
@Ahsan Zafar I would love to chat - please send me an email - and we can zoom to see if there's a good fit (cmatera@matera.us)